10: Alone together

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The adrenaline was filling the locker room while the guys were shouting our team name over and over again

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The adrenaline was filling the locker room while the guys were shouting our team name over and over again. They were practically jumping on each other because of the game we were going to play. It was one of the most important games for us since all the coaches of the teams are going to look out for us. I had never been this nervous before in my life to play a game since this was for my future and all of them were counting on me. I couldn't stop my leg from moving up and down the whole time until we could get on the field.

This is our last day of playing on this field before we are going to get some more information of next year with who we need to practice and what team wants to hire us. The next games we are going to do are in other places, meaning we are going to take a lot of planes for our next games. I had no idea what it was going to be for me but I knew that I just had to make sure to show them that I am worth the fight. I want the teams to fight for me and not just one team doubting to take me.

I couldn't stand being in the same room with them anymore. I wanted to get my head back in the game and I knew that being here was not going to help it. The guys were still shouting and screaming while the coach could only shake his head at them. He was never going to tell us how much he likes us but we could see on his face that he couldn't be more excited for us. He had been smiling to all of us and you could see the proud smile forming on his lips with every second coming closer to the game. We had been practising for this for weeks now, some of them, months to make sure we get hired by the right team.

The team of our dreams.

"What are you even doing here? Don't you have to be on the field in a few seconds? Please don't tell me that you did something to not get on the field anymore?" I could only stare at Alexandra standing there wearing the colours of our college, red and black. Her legs were amazingly long for someone who was barely 5'4 feet tall. It had something weird to see her standing there with a huge smile on her face while holding some food and drinks in her hands. She had finally came to the game after so many tries of all of us to come outside.

It was worth it when I saw her standing there.

"I was going crazy inside since everybody was screaming and doing weird guy things. I just want to be alone for a second and get everything right inside my head. I am actually quite disappointed that you think of me like that? I am really hurt by that." She is closing the distance between us while holding a candy stick in front of me. I couldn't eat any food before a game of coach, but I also couldn't say no to her when she was giving me a little shy smile.

"Do you want me to be alone with you together or do you want me to find Elle in the crowd upstairs? You can decide here what you want but please let me know soon because this is starting to weight a lot. Also do not judge the amount of food I bought for just the three of us." I see her putting her one hand in her back pockets of her shorts that I couldn't wait to see the back of. I am sure that her ass was going to look insane in that because she looks good in every single thing she wears.

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