Vol. 3 Ch. 28 Chasing After Love

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Your POV

I was in complete darkness and heard a faint voice saying over and over, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I couldn't tell whose voice it was that I heard. When I opened my eyes, I found myself in a brightly lit room. Looking around, I realized that I was in a hospital room. Sitting up, I looked to the window to see that it was day time now.

As much as I wished that the events of the past day was a dream, the bandages and pain at my side told me otherwise. I then got out of bed and walked over to the window. Pulling back the curtains, I looked out at Vale, the city was damaged but nothing beyond repair. Beacon, on the other hand, left me speechless, on top of Beacon tower was a giant stone dragon. What the hell is that? I thought.

Just then you heard the door to the room open behind you, and in walked Sun holding a bunch of bananas while eating the one that was in his hand. He noticed that I was awake and said, "Y/N!? Dude, your awake!" I replied, "Keep it down, will you, we're in a hospital." Sun nodded and said, "Oh right, my bad. But how are you feeling man You've been out for three days."

Shocked, I said, "Three days!?" Sun looked at me and said, "Jeez, and you're telling me to keep it down." I looked at him and said, "What happened with the Grimm, what's that thing hanging off Beacon, and what about the others." He explained everything and finished by saying, "Yang and Ruby were taken back home to their home on Patch and Weiss back to Atlas by her father." Then I asked, "And Blake?"

Sun sighed and said, "She... she spent the first two nights not leaving your side. But when I came to check on you the next morning she was gone." Concerned, I said, "Gone, what do you mean gone!?" He replied, "I mean gone, like took her weapon and whatever stuff she had and left." I sighed and asked, "Do you have any clue as to where she went?" Sun paused for a moment and said, 'Actually, I think I saw her buying a ticket to get on a boat that leaves tomorrow." I smiled and said, "Thanks, Sun." He smirked and said, "No problem, dude."

As soon as I was released from the hospital, I bought a ticket to get on the only boat that was going to be departing from Vale. Unfortunately for me, Sun insisted that he come along.

I hope you all enjoyed this chapter.
Master out.

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