"BEHOLD!! The enchanting bubble of fortune!! Said to behold remnants of another WORLD!!!" she announced as she gently pulled her hands apart to reveal a bubble with glimmers of colour!!

"Whoaaa!!" Luna gasped with a blush as Yurio picked up the bottle from the floor.

"This is just bubble liquid," Yurio stated, unimpressed, feeling some of the watery mixture between his fingers.

The old woman's gaze shifted mischievously to Yurio, a sly smile forming on her lips.

"Well, how about this lustful lock; half price, for you, Sir! You look like you need it~" the woman offered a locket to Yurio.

"What is it...?" Yurio asked, feeling rather uncomfortable from how close the creepy woman was to him.

"Whoever's picture you place inside the locket shall be forced to fall madly in love with you!" The woman explained, her voice carrying a mocking tone.

"WHO SAYS I NEED SOMETHING LIKE THAT?!!" Yurio yelled in embarrassment.

The woman quickly withdrew, sensing Yurio's irritation. Her attention swiftly shifted back to Luna, who stood nearby, her eyes fixated on a peculiar item.

"Oh?? Already have a partner, do we? Then how about this unicorn potion? Containing juices extracted from the horn of the unicorn, it makes your partner, you guessed it, horn-"

"I DON'T NEED THAT EITHER!!!" Yurio snapped, face more like a tomato.

Luna, oblivious to the inappropriateness of the woman's remark, gasped in delight. 

"Unicorns are real??!! I KNEW IT!!" she fangirled.

"Ok! Moving on!" the woman quickly backed down to the vague frost growing on Yurio, as his cheeks sizzled the ice right back off.

"How about this beauty charm for you, dear? It will turn you from an ugly witch into a beautiful princess!!" the woman beamed, holding a keychain of a flower.

"Ugly?!!" Luna cried in offence.

"Luna's already a princess, and we're leaving!!!" Yurio growled, firmly grabbing Luna's arm and dragging her out of the dubious shop.

The next shop they entered was called Pika's Potions. As they wondered in through the heavy door, triggering a bell, two figures caught sight of Luna's pink hair...

"Uh..." a boy let out, eyes widened to see Luna and Yurio walking into a shop.

"Ah!! Ray! Ray!" he suddenly shook the shoulders of a girl besides him, who looked to be his twin.

"Wah! What gives, Jay? Cut it out!!" the girl shouted in annoyance.

"Look! That girl over there!! Doesn't that look like..." he went to say.

The girl, Ray, suddenly gasped dramatically.

"THE MAGIC GIRL FROM THE LIVESTREAM!!!" Ray exclaimed, pointing to the shop they had entered with great enthusiasm. 

Yurio and Luna entered the shop. The atmosphere inside was noticeably more professional, with neatly displayed items on shelves and cabinets. Soft light filtered through the windows, casting a warm glow in the space. A few curious customers meandered about, adding a touch of liveliness to the scene.

"Hm... increase strength... increase stamina... increase power of.... anime??? Creates smoke.... acts as a bomb?! Increases size of- Um!!!!" Yurio flustered, reading the rest of the label of the potion.

"Geez. What's even in half this stuff?" Yurio muttered uncomfortably, blush still glowing brightly.

A friendly woman running the shop approached Yurio.

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