The Story of a Reaper- Sinful Revenge

Start from the beginning

"I know you hate Hate but there's not a lot of people in this multiverse that really doesn't like the Star Dummies...what do you say?" Nightmare asked, "...I'll come to your place if I agree..." Shadow said.

Nightmare nodded, soon they entered snowdin. "Alright this is your stop!" Shadow said, putting his hood back on, hiding his identity. Nightmare and Cross got off the boat as Shadow started to row off, "Remember to brush your teeth before drinking orange juice!" Shadow said before leaving.

Cross gagged, "That's horrible..." Cross said, "I know! But hey! There's a chance that we might win this long as his brother doesn't get in the way..." Nightmare said, opening a portal to the Gravity Falls universe.

It was the morning, Cross and Nightmare were walking in the woods. During this time, they saw a lot of attacks that seemed old, but familiar. Sooner or later, they got to the Myster shack, and walked in.

One part of the floor looked more different, and new than the rest. "Bill!" Nightmare yelled. Bill appeared quickly, clenching his cane, his face was angry, flowing in the air. "You!...YOU!" Bill yelled, "Do you realized what the hell you've DONE?!" Bill yelled, "No? Why are you so angry?" Nightmare asked, "WHY I'M ANGRY?!!?" Bill yelled. Cross got on guard.

"You're starting a goddamn war! Everything is going to die now! Or there's the possibility that everything will start anew, but STILL!! It's most likely gonna kill everything! Including Shadow! Including the most dangerous people to this...MEETING to start a war! JUST FOR ONE PERSON!" Bill yelled.

"Wait- How'd you know?-" Nightmare was interrupted.

"When your little pals stole from me! I told them I need a part of someone's soul, so a war wouldn't happen! But they STOLE it, so now, EVERYTHING IS GONNA DIE!" Bill yelled, "Why would you need half a soul anyways?!" Cross yelled.

"Star Dopey would have given you pity, and you would have retreated, and I would have given back half the soul, but NOW! I can't do that, and now everything is most likely going to DIE because of YOU!!!!!!! and your- ARGGGGGG!!" Bill growled in frustration.

"Soo...your not going to help me start a war?" Nightmare asked. Bill sighed, floating to the floor. "You guys owe me...since I have to join, so I can stop you all from causing that...THING from causing the multiverse to die..." Bill said.

"Hey! Reaper isn't a thing! He's more of a skeleton than you!" Nightmare hissed, "Trust me...I'm more of a skeleton than him Nightmare..." Bill said.

Bill than disappeared. Nightmare growled, but then sighed, "Let's go see Hate, then we go see Raspberry" Nightmare said. Cross nodded, "Yes sir!" Cross said.

Nightmare opened a portal to Hatetale, and opened Hate door. "Sweetheart!!!~" Nightmare called. "Go away!" Hate yelled from his room. "Awww~ Come on! I know you wanna see my pretty face~" Nightmare said.

Nightmare was pretty to Cross...beautiful compared to anything.

Hate had came out of his room as a cloud of smoke in front of Nightmare and slapped him with a growl.

Cross wanted to fight Hate, but it was normal that Hate would slap Nightmare, so he calmed down.

"What do you want shitface?!" Hate hissed, "Wanna start a war?" Nightmare asked. Hate looked wide-eyed and confused, "Wha?" Hate asked, "Do you wanna start a war?" Nightmare said with more emphasis.

Hate smirked, "Didn't see you as the type to start a war without a reason..." Hate said, "I do have a reason Mr. Thick~..." Nightmare said looking at Hate thighs. Cross growled lowly, he wanted to be complemented by Nightmare.

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