Chapter 28

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The moment Audrielle woke up it seemed she was already out the door.  She was tempted to even fall asleep on the carriage on the way there.  Genta said that it would take about a day to get there.  Audrielle knew this wasn't the time to talk about Mageia's vision, but the longer she waited the less time Genta had.  It was now 6 days until Genta was suppose to die.  She didn't really look at anyone.  Felix went back to Spathi since the Queen was going to visit.  She is curious about what her brother thinks about the destruction of Spalon.

"It's like a test of loyalty.  She want's him to bite back at her.  She wan't a reason to take him down.  But if she does it without reason the entire country for sure is going to rebel against her.  He is probably the most well like out of all the royalty," Genta smiled a bit at the thought.

"What's Anthropina like?"  Audrielle asked her.  She had never been outside Spathi before.  She lived a quiet life in her small town.  Now she was going to see the whole country.  It kind of made her excited.

"Well, it's really cold.  But a lot of people there get used to it.  Some people even walk around without any warm clothing on.  Part of training most of the time.  The military bases itself around martial arts.  They use things like staff's and weaponized gloves as well.  They wear special armor as well so they can take heavy hits as well.  It might be good for you to do some training in martial arts.  Now the land, I mean I grew up there near the Magia gate so I will always have a special place in my heart for the land.  The cozy warm drinks sold in taverns and the way the snow looks when the sun is out.  I think you'll like it."  Audrielle smiled at Genta's reminiscing.  

Everyone seemed to fall asleep for a couple hours.  Genta was trying to get everyone to Anthropina as fast as she could.  The fact of Mageia's vision was in the back of her mind and she didn't know what to think.  She considered herself lucky, having arcane magic.  She thought her strong body and strong will would help her survive.  Genta looked over at Mageia and saw she was awake.

"Do I get to meet my baby at least?"  Genta asked.  It took Mageia a moment to realize that she was talking to her.

"Well, I didn't really see that part," Mageia told her.  

"What did you see exactly?"  Genta didn't want to push these feelings away anymore.  She knew she was going to die.  She just never really admitted it to herself.

"Well I saw a bunch of people gathered.  They were all around you.  An older woman was crying, and an older man holding her," Mageia started.

"I imagine that's my mother and father."

Mageia continued.  "Audrielle was there as well.  She was right next to you with a blonde lady.  There was a flash at the end of the vision and then it ended."  Genta was confused.

"There was a flash?"


"I don't think it was Lexani.  She is suppose to be there to help me give birth.  I didn't think it would be this soon though.  It hasn't been 9 months yet, I'm only on like month 8 barely."  Genta looked at her stomach and does remember saying to herself she felt more than 8 months pregnant.  But Lexani when she came and checked definitely said she was 8 months in.

"It might be because your baby is immortal," Mageia suggested.  "I don't know much about the immortal race.  Since most are dead and gone and the last ones are royalty said to never have children.  Due to the risk of uprising and of, you know, death to the mother."

"I knew the risks when we decided to not be careful.  I just wanted a child so much and convinced myself I was strong enough to handle it.  I was a general at one point in my life.  You would think I could have a child.  But the longer I was pregnant the more the fear set in.  In these past few months it's become frantic.  I keep wondering what's going to happen.  Researching what happened to the the first King Felix's wives.  Since Audrielle's mother was mortal I thought that my questions would finally be answered.  But it seemed her mother was sick the moment she was born.  There just hasn't been anyone that has survived.  This wasn't suppose to happen of course.  Mortals and Immortals mixing of course.  But when I met Felix he was lonely.  And we got along, after awhile of course.  I wasn't courted that easily.  Living my whole life ignoring men so that I could make my way up the ranks.  I guess the only man that would be fit for me would be the king after that," Genta laughed.  Mageia gave a smile, seeing that Genta was enjoying thinking back to her romance.  Mageia never expected to get to know Genta this much.  She then remembered the picture that she had drawn for Felix and Genta.

"I forgot to give this to you," she pulled the paper out of her bag.  Genta's eyes widened as she saw it.

"It's beautiful, thank you," Genta smiled down at the picture in her hand.  A slow tear started rolling down her cheek.  "You know, even when I asked you to do this it was preparing my child for a life without me.  I wanted my baby to know what I looked like at least.  I just want to be in their life so bad."  Genta started crying a little.  Not loud enough to wake the others but Mageia was of course already awake.  She didn't know how to comfort her.  "It's alright," Genta explained.  "I have accepted it.  I know that my baby is going to be loved and have people there that I trust to instill my will in that child."  

Mageia took Genta's hand.  "If that baby is anything like you, it will be amazing.  They will shine brighter then the star that Ren sits upon."  Genta gave a squeeze back to her hand in a reply.

"Thank you."

"Looks like I missed some lady bonding moments didn't I," Audrielle gave a sleepy remark as she stretched and yawned awake.  Genta chuckled.

"You sleep you weep.  Maybe I'll train this child to be the chosen one instead, she seems to be more attentive."  Audrielle furrowed her eyes in response.

"I read four books and saw and meditated so far.  Those books were informative but weren't the most interesting read," Audrielle replied.  Genta's grin faded.

"I have thousands more books I can have you read on proper sellia buildup, the history of the best in all magics, history on the first schools and graduation exams-"

Audrielle interrupted, "I get it, I'm grateful I have such a knowledgeable teacher."

"That's what I thought.  be careful pregnant lady's pack quite a punch and I won't hold back on you," Genta warned.  Audrielle held her hands up in defense and surrender before giving Mageia a playful look and pulling out some food from her bag to eat.  The warm air around the carriage suddenly grew cold.  She looked out the carriage window and saw snow circling the air in the distance.  They were almost there, in Anthropina.  Where the real journey begins.

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