Chapter 45

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Audrielle didn't know what to expect when meeting with all the leaders of the rebellion and their subordinates.  She was most nervous about meeting the King of Anthropina.  Felix is returning for this meeting as well.  And a group of people who went on a mission to gather more rebels, and another one who is a spy on the Queens court.  All these people doing their part and Audrielle will tell them how she is trying to do hers.  She trained with Lexani to keep her mind off of it until everyone arrived.  But with each passing minute she got less and less focused on her magic.

"You're going to have a million things on your mind when you're using magic in the field.  Learn to focus right now," Lexani said as she watched Audrielle start to wilt a plant.  Audrielle snapped out of her thoughts and gave Lexani an apologetic look.


Lexani's face softened and she rolled her eyes playfully.  "It's alright, I understand that you're full of thoughts right now due to the meeting today.  It's good practice though to train with a mind full so that when it counts you can focus."

Audrielle nodded and focused back to what she was doing.  Bringing the life back into the flower that she was previously wilting.  She then spent the next hour training and trying to focus her mind away from everything she would like to dwell on.  Soon enough though Ran came into the room to let them know that everyone arrived in the meeting room.  Audrielle could feel her stomach boil.

"Well let's go meet everyone.  It is all the top three from every faction.  So there will be a lot of people in there.  But they're all excited to meet you, and there are a lot of familiar faces in there."  Ran gave Audrielle a smile to reassure her.  Audrielle nodded and followed Ran out the door to the meeting room.  When the door opened she was surprised to see how large the room is.  It's strange how this cave holds so many secret rooms.

When she looked around there were a lot of faces that she recognized.  There were four tables in the middle with three seats each all placed in a circular fashion, except for the table where Ran was at.  Then there were seats around the tables, it seems for others not in the command.  The people taking up those seats were Mageia, Rekin, and Genta with her newborn child.  But Audrielle imagined this room is usually a lot more full.  

"Come sit by me," Keoat said waving Audrielle over to him.  There was an empty seat by him.  She wondered why, because every seat at the command table were filled except that one.  But she didn't pay much mind to it.  She made her way over to him.  Now that she was seated at the table, all eyes she could feel were on her.  It was a burning feeling, but she kept her composure.  

"I saw we all go around and introduce ourselves," Ran suggested.  She started.  "I am Ran, I am first in command for the Anthropina rebels."

"My name is Achmetha, I am also first in command for the Anthropina rebels," the King of Anthropina said.  Audrielle noticed the seriousness in his voice that people have mentioned about him.  He had dark long hair pulled up into a tail and a strong physic that set him apart in athletic ability.  His eyes were of course a golden color.  He had pointy eyebrows that always seemed to be furrowed, like he was either angry or trying to see something.

"My name is Belan and I am second in command," Belan smiled at Audrielle.  She smiled back.

"My name is Yei, I am third in command," Yei said.

It then went to the next table.

"My name is Solxa, I am first in command of the Mageia rebels."

"My name is Lexani, I am second on command of the Mageia rebels."

Then it was someone that Audrielle didn't recognize.  "My name is Lay, I am third in command of the Mageia rebels."  He had dark brown hair that was in a curly mess on top of his hair.  He was skinny, but his presence still seemed to demand something of the room.  Audrielle remembered that he was the spy on the Queens court.  That must be a terrifying job.

Then it was on to the next table again.

"My name is Kralim, I am first in command of the Touxoulia rebels," he grinned over at Audrielle.  She gave a smile but nothing more.  She could feel Keoat tense next to her and she grabbed his hand under the table.  He immediately relaxed upon her touch.

The other two people at the table were people she had never seen before.

"My name is Ro and I am second in command of the Touxoulia rebels," he gave a goofy smile at Audrielle as he introduced himself.  He was a brute of a man in looks.  No hair, a scar over his right eye and a scruffy beard covering half his face going down to the start of his chest.  He had a large gunner strapped to his back.  But beside his looks he radiated kindness.  It was something.

Then next to him was a girl with wild curly blonde hair that was just a mass of volume.  She was small and skinny but was bursting with eccentric energy.   "My name in Jayna and I am third in command of the Touxoulia rebels.  Even though I think I'm better than these bums," she laughed pointing to the two men at her table. Kralim gave her a glare and Ro rolled his eyes playfully.

Then it was the table that Audrielle was seated at.  

"My name is Felix the II and I am King of Spathi and the first in command of the Spathi rebels."

"My name is Keoat and I am second in command of the Spathi rebels," Keoat gave Audrielle an assuring smile as it was finally her turn to introduce herself.  What was she to say?

"My name is Audrielle.  I am who has been referred to as the chosen one.  I come from a little town in Spathi and I am determined to do my part for the rebellion," she said nervously.

"It should is a big part, but you look like you can handle it," Ro commented and gave her another warm and goofy smile.  

"Now the first order of business is to create a plan now with the arrival of Audrielle.  We also have to fill the third seat in the Spathi command due to Han betraying us," Ran informed everyone.

"What happened to him?"  Kralim asked.  "If he came back to us and was released I say that we keep him locked up ourselves.  A lot of people died because of him."

Ran sighed.  "There's no need.  Lay informed us that the Queen had executed him."  Kralim had a look of satisfaction on his face that disgusted Audrielle.

"Now, Belan has someone in mind whom he has been training that he thinks would be a good fit for the third seat in command for Spathi," Ran said.  Belan then stood up to speak.

"I have been training this young man for the past couple of weeks and find that he is strong and highly intelligent.  With some guidance I feel like Rekin would be a good fit for the third seat of Spathi's command."

Rekin gave a look of surprise, and didn't know what to say. 

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