Chapter 11

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When the world falls apart you really don't know it's happening until it was too late. When something is broken it can't compare to something that's destroyed. After Audrielle spoke with her mother she found Keoat pacing in front of her house. The frantic expression on his face told her something was drastically wrong.

When he noticed her presence there he started talking immediately. "We have to go now Audrielle. I just got word that someone was taken on their last mission and they told them that there were rebels in this town. They didn't say anything other than that but that means that anytime now we could be searched or attacked or anything of the sort."

"What about my mother?"

"She'll have to flee with us. I have a carriage on its way pack your things we're going."

So I rushed inside to get my mother and tell her about what was going on.

"Have soon are they coming?" Audrielles mother was confused.

"Anytime now they said that they just received information about a rebel who whistleblowed on this town. It must have happened a few days ago but they're only getting word now they surviving scouts from the mission just returned back and informed the King of Spathi."

"Where are we going?"

"The Kings castle."

Audrielle helped frantically pack her mothers things, and then she did her own. Before she was out the door she remembered the pink box her father left for her and rushed to his study to grab it. She looked at it one more time smiling a bit before placing it into her bag.

By the time they were done the carriage was there and ready to take them away. One by one they piled into the carriage.

As they started moving all of a sudden there was a ringing in Audrielles ears. There had been a huge blast not that far away from them. Looking around frantic in the distance she saw the Academy flying into the air, a piece of rubble hit the carriage and she held onto Keoat for stability.

"What the hell is going on," Audrielle yelled.

"The Queen is what's happening," Keoat took a sharp breath and held his hand to his head. The sudden impact made Keoat hit his head against the walls and there was blood dripping down his nose.

"Jesus Keoat are you okay?"

"I'm fine," Keoat gave a reassuring smile. Audrielle looked over to check on her mother and her hand tightly.

"It's gonna be okay ma," Audrielle tried to reassure the frightened expression on her mother's face. Audrielle was going to say something else but her voice was lost in another loud blast from the distance and before she knew it her hearing went numb and the whole carriage lifted into the air carrying all its passengers with it. Audrielle could feel the crunching of the bones in her left arm as she came back down. She let out a painful scream followed by a painful cough as dust and smoke filled her lungs.

After regained sight, she looked around the wreckage of the blast and saw her mother with a long piece of wood sticking out the middle of her chest. The wood was slowly being soaked in blood, dyeing it a deep red.

"MOM!" Audrielle screamed as she lifted herself up with her good arm, coughing as she made her way over to her mother.

Her mother's breath was raspy and you could hear all the pain with every intake. Audrielles hands just hovered over her mother looking for a way to help.

"Sweet child, there's nothing you can do. I would just slow you down on your journey," her mother smiled while putting her bloodied hand to her daughter's face. Audrielle held up her hand to meet it and held it there.

"You can't leave me, mom, please..." Audrielles tears were flowing so fast she could barely see through them.

"You are my special little girl, no matter how old you are, I will always watch over you, no matter what you do, I will always love you, no matter what path you go down, I will always guide you, please be happy, and it's ok if you are sad, just don't be sad now, I want to see you smile one last time."

How could Audrielle smile at this time? Her mother was dying right in front of her. She always thought her mother's sickness is what was going to take her. But Audrielle blamed it on her inability to protect her, or anything, or anyone she cared about. She felt utterly and completely useless.

"You go save the world for me," her mother said those last words before going into shock and then dying right there in the middle of a battlefield.

" Mother, ma please!" Audrielle cried out into the sky.

Keoat stirred on the ground and heard Audrielle scream and scream and scream. He looked over to the sight and ran over to her. He knelt down and just pulled her close, and away making sure she looked away from her dead mother. She coughed and sobbed until Keoat realized again what was going on and picked Audrielle up and placed her on his back and just started running towards the forest that leads to the gate.

As he was running he saw a girl trip in the distance. It was a young looking girl with black hair, and once he got closer realized she had black eyes as well.

Audrielle recognized the girl as the one she saw at her graduation. 

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