Chapter 4

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They arrived home at late noon because Audrielles mother decided to roam the market for a little while. She was surprised at how tense Keoat seemed to be. Even with something on his mind he was engaged in the world around him. But he seemed to just be trying to work something out in his mind just as she was. And she had the feeling it was the same thing.

As the meat pie was in the oven her mother decided to use the berries to make yet another pie with the leftover dough, and that let Audrielle and Keoat have time to go to the bordering forest while lunch was being made.

The walk there was silent. Not silent as in they were not talking, they mentioned the day and they spoke mostly of how busy Keoat has been between his position in the army and taking care of his sister. Their conversation was silent of the things they were actually thinking about. It didn't take long for them to get to a special spot in the forest where they spent many days and nights camping and just talking.

It was a place where three trees seemed to meet, making a sort of dome with two cut down tree stumps that we used as a place to sit. It was like a perfect little getaway that nature seemed to bestow upon them. They sat down and got comfortable for a moment before they seemed to get straight to what was on their minds.

"What do you know?" Audrielle blurted out. Keoat was surprised with this question. Like he thought he was hiding the fact fairly well and was going to be the one to reveal his involvement.

¨I can't really go into that without revealing what is not mine to reveal," was his answer. But that just seemed to confuse her more. It gave her a sense that there was a sort of mystery about this whole thing.

¨Well what am I supposed to do?¨

¨I recommend the meeting. But know that it will change your life forever. And if you choose not to go then you must forget the fact that there was a meeting in the first place and never mention it again. But I know you, and if you don't go you're going to wonder forever what would have happened. But if you go, you will be a part of something big.¨

¨Why can't you give me a straight answer?¨

¨Because the whole things a secret. And the only way for you to be a part of it is to go. But I will say this because you're my best friend and I trust you with all my heart, is that this meeting and the outcome is highly illegal and if anyone involved is caught they would possibly be executed immediately.

¨What! Executed? What kind of rouge operation is this?¨ Audrielle just seemed to get more and more confused the more Keoat spoke.

¨Something big is going to happen, I don't know when and I don't know how. But if we can do what we have been planning things are going to change. There might be war. So you either get involved now or get left behind later. Be a simple civilian. Or you can make a change like I know you've always wanted to do.¨

¨What the point of a choice?¨

¨Don't you see? It's a test. It's either you find out what this is all about or take the first safe offer. They want to see if you're willing to take a risk.¨

¨Who is the 'we' and 'they' you are talking about?¨

¨You're going to have to take the risk and find out. I have been appointed to take that answer from you. So have you reached a decision?"

"You're gonna have to give me a bit of time to think. You know I've never been good at quick decision making."

"I understand, but you have to make that decision soon. The king is not a patient person."

She nodded in response. She was still in the clothing that she went to the ceremony in and every five seconds she felt the need to fix or mess with something in the attire. Girls who wear this kind of things every day must be extremely patient. It hasn't even been a whole day and Audrielle was itching to tear this thing off and bath. But the funny thing is that she noticed Keoat seemed way more nervous than usual. Like he didn't know how exactly to act around her, or more specifically where to look. He thought if he looked at her like he normally did he would stare too long and she would get the wrong impression. But if he didn't look at her at all she would wonder if he was even listening. So, in the end, he just gave her the nervous glance in her direction every few seconds.

"We should probably be getting back," Audrielle suggested, wanting to break this strange awkwardness between them for the moment.

When they arrived back for lunch Audrielles mother had obviously made way too made for just the three of them and Audrielle could see her intention was for Keoat to bring some back for his little sister. Her favorite thing in the world, of course, was pie, but what child wouldn't love pie.

"This meat pie is the best in all of Spalon I know that for sure. Why don't you open up a restaurant Mrs.Roseari?" Keoat gave complement the meal.

"Well I'm too old for that Keoat, but that had been a dream of mine," Mrs.Roseari gave Keoat a sweet smile, but hidden in it was a hint of sadness. Audrielle's mother was barely in her mid-forties. But the sickness she's battled has given her a physical age of around 60 maybe 70 years old. She can barely walk on her own. She can't get up and down without support and she goes off in sudden and aggressive coughs that tear her energy down for a good while after.

"So Keoat, you got any girl that you got your eye on? You're a young handsome boy that has a high ranking in the army, girls but be hanging all over you," Mrs.Roseari questioned and Keoat almost spits out his pie at the topic. His face flushed immediately and he quickly glanced and Audrielle before quickly looking away hoping no one noticed his nervous and messy reaction.

"No not really, just focusing on my sister and my duties," he smiled politely and hoped she dropped the whole conversation. But Mrs.Roseari didn't buy it. His mistake might have been answering too quickly and speaking to fast.

"Don't be shy Keoat. You're even getting to marrying age soon. I can tell you this, at your age is one of the most magical to fall in love because everything is nearly new and when you're young your mind goes crazy and the thought of-"

"Ok mother we don't need to bombard Keoat with any more of this nonsense," Audrielle chuckled nervously before her mother went off the rail like she liked to do and say something that would make the situation extremely awkward for the young adults at the table.

"What about you Audrielle? You just graduated, there must be a boy that has got you trying to control the butterflies in your stomach. What about that boy that made that sword for you not even two weeks ago, I know he liked you," her mother just seemed to not want to get off the topic. Keoat seemed to be interested in what Audrielles answer to this was though.

"He's not really someone I would be with. He smells of meat and talks as if all he knows how to do is blacksmith. There is not one thing truly intellectual part of him," Audrielle laughed a little bit to herself. Keoat seemed to let out a small breath after she said that.

After they finished their meal Keoat and Audrielle spent time training a bit like they did when they were children. But back then all they did really was play around with sticks. Now they are in a dance with fashioned weapons. It was an amazing sight. Keoat was better in the strength of course and experience but Audrielle was tactical and saw things Keoat didn't see. They've done this so many times that they know each other so well.

After they were done they were sweating and tired but happy and felt short of childlike memory.

"Have you come to a decision yet?" He asked me through heavy breaths.

"Well, if I don't do it I know I'm going to wonder and regret it for the rest of my life. But on the other hand, I have no idea what is going on. So I guess I'm going to have to trust you and say...yes."

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