Chapter 22

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"What happened to your mother after you were born?" Genta asked Audrielle suddenly.

"Sweetie give her time she's obviously just finding out. You really didn't know you were immortal? All immortals have gold eyes I knew it the moment I saw you. The longer you live the darker they are, but your eyes are bright. So you are still very young."

"I can't believe I didn't figure it out. Does that mean that after I turn 18 I stop aging?" She asked.

"Actually it's after you turn 17," Felix corrected her. She was even more freaked out by this.

"So I'm not going to age anymore."

"Not physically."

"What the hell does that mean?"

"It means that you will always learn and become wiser throughout the years, but your body will not age. Every part will stay 17 years old. But your body will just act like a normal 17-year-old body. If you scar yourself you'll have that scar forever. If you break your arm it will heal. We don't know everything about how the immortal body works. Only the great goddess Ren knows, she made us. But you'll get used to being the same age. You will grow hair, you can gain and lose weight."

Audrielle didn't really have the energy to take it all in.

"I'm not hungry anymore," she said quickly before leaving the table and scurrying up the steps. She could hear Keoat calling after her but she ignored it. She collapsed on her bed and just started crying. She thought she was confused with her identity before graduation. But now, she's learning so many things she can't handle. She wished she hadn't found any of this out. She is going to watch everyone around her die while she lives. What will she have to live for?

There is so much pressure on her, her father might still be alive, she has no idea who he is, she doesn't know who she is supposed to be and she is going to live "forever". Part of her wanted to end herself right now. Just get away from everything.

She then heard a knock on her door. She quickly wiped her face with her sleeve.

"Come in," Audrielle said. The door slowly opened and Genta came through the door.

"Hello," she smiled at Audrielle. But Audrielle stayed silent. Genta sighed and closed the door behind her, making her way to the distressed girl and sitting down beside her.

"What are you thinking about right now?" Genta asked. Audrielle shrugged.



"Because everything seems to be wrong."

"It doesn't have to be."

"What do you mean?"

Genta sighed. "Well, when you are thinking of all the thing that are wrong and confusing in your life you just think of life as wrong and confusing. Yes, there will be some tough things you have to go through. But you can't zero in on it. You can't make that everything, because then it will be everything and there is no one you can get through everything. Hold out your hands." Audrielle did as she instructed. Genta took them both into her hands and pointed to the left one.

"This one is the hand with all the bad. It's a whole hand of bad. Now try to write with this hand." Genta got up and then handed Audrielle paper and the quill. Audrielle tried her best but she was right-handed and the writing was messy and barely readable. Genta smiled. She then pointed to the right hand.

"This one is all the good in your life. Like your friends, your memories, valuable possessions, and most important of all hope. It is also a whole hand. Now write with this one." Audrielle did so and was able to write normally and effortlessly. Genta nodded. "Which hand is stronger?"

Audrielle lifted her right hand.

"Correct, and why?"

"I don't know."

"Hope. Hope makes the good hand strong. It is stronger than the bad hand. Now stop using your bad hand and start using your good hand. But also remember there are some situations where you need both of them. Like sympathy, and decision making. Now come finish dinner with us," Genta helped Audrielle up and wiped off her face for her.

Audrielle gave a small laugh. "You'll be a great mother you know."

Genta blushed. "Stop you're just saying that so I like you. And it's working." They both laughed together and then made their way downstairs.

"I'm sorry if I upset you in any way that was not my intention," Felix started to apologize.

"It's not your fault I was going to find out sooner or later," Audrielle assured him. He was fully convinced but with a look from Genta, he seemed to be slightly convinced.

So they all finished their dinner and then got ready for bed.

"Rekin really liked my hair, thank you Audrielle," Magai said taking out the braid before bed. Audrielle combed out her hair, and Magia's hair and they changed into comfortable nightgowns before getting into the large bed in the room. It didn't take long for either of them to get to sleep. It had been a very long journey and last few days and they were thoroughly worn out.

Some time in the middle of the night Audrielle woke up to the sound of heavy panting coming from Magia. She didn't know what to do, assuming it was a bad dream but also not wanting to wake her up. So she just pulled Magia close to her and started stroking her hair to calm her down. It seemed it had worked, for Magia's breath slowly went back to normal and her temperature started to cool down.

Audrielle then fell asleep just as quickly as she woke up, holding Magia close like a mother to a child. They slept calmly through the rest of the night. But tomorrow Audrielle would start on her journey to learn the magics that were hidden deep inside her. And with that, she could fulfill the destiny her father left for her.

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