Chapter 18

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Frano pulled out a chair from one of the tables, and Keoat, Audrielle, and Magia sat down in front of him.

"This story came a long time ago and was told to me by an old friend. It's the story of how we came to be. The story of how the immortals came from the stars and how the war could kill all but the royal family.

There once was a goddess that took notice in the war of the human race. She could not bear to watch it destroy itself, for she was Ren, The Goddess of Creation. So she created a land, a land in which she made immortal people that would stop the war. But instead, the immortal people, who were called the Rennions, established an economy. When mortals moved to the land the immortals became the powerful, and mortals were reduced to mere commoners. Ren barely had any power left, for she used it all creating those people. So, she decided to watch how this land, later named Allion, would turn out. She watched perching on a small, faraway star.


The mortals rebelled but were helpless and backed down. In the process, the Rennion King and Queen were killed and it was up to the three remaining sons to take over the land. Then that war was raged, the Successors War. The last one standing of the brothers was one named Felix. But in the process of this war, every last Rennion died except for Felix.

Felix went on to marry and have three boys. Those boys were the first Rennions in a long time. The mother died giving birth for she was a mere mortal. Those brothers were a miracle to have survived, and they each gained a power. The first son, Aeolius, was given the power of the gunner, a weapon that included archery and soon to be something even more powerful. His aim exceeded all and he taught his army, that was given to him by his father.

The second son, Felix, who was named after his father, was given the power of a thin and dangerous bland called the sword, which he also taught his own army.

The third son, Achmetha, was given the power of the human body's strength. And he taught his army martial arts. He was the last to be given an army.

Soon, the king had a daughter with a new wife, who also died giving birth. This daughter, Aida, was not given any gift and she was angered by this. Her hate went toward her father, for not giving her an army because of this, and she wanted revenge and rule over Allion.

Ren had been watching the war go on, and she was near the end of her life. She created an orb, and a prophecy to go with it. The orb when it was awakened would give the user immense power over all magic that Ren had. Arcane, Light, Dark, and Elemental. The one to activate it had to be of the royal blood of the Rennions. If one should activate it then there would be a reincarnation of Ren, all of Ren's power would be given to that person, and that person would become Ren, and watch over Allion and maybe finally cure the land.

If anyone were to kill someone with the power of the Orb, then the power would be given to anyone within a radius except for those related to the person who used it.

Aida found this Orb deep within a cave when someone showed it to her. She never saw that person again, and she gained the power of the Orb.

She finally had the power she needed.

With this power, she killed her father in his sleep. The power was given to the people of the land, and it would be dormant inside them until they awakened the creatures inside. She waged war against her brothers with these magical mortals after she told them she could lead them. She won this war, and the land was split into four parts, with her faction as the governing.

She established many laws, one that made sure she would divide the country the way she wanted.

Born by faction, live by faction, die by faction

But there is still hope. For the chosen one is to take back the country from the evil queen."

Frano finished and it took Audrielle a moment to realize he was looking at her.

"It seems the chosen one has finally appeared to us. My old friend was right." It took another moment for Audrielle to realize he was talking about her. She then picked up on something he mentioned.

"Who was your old friend?" She asked him after everyone went to bed.

"Well, he looked just like you. He had messy red hair that he tried to keep up. I tried to tell him to cut it but he didn't see a point. He also had dark gold eyes, old and worn unlike the rest of his body. You have bright gold eyes, but that's because you're so young. At one point I thought the chosen one was him...but now here you are," he gave her a warm smile. His smile faded after he realized the sad far off look in her eyes. "What's wrong child?" His tone was ridden with concern.

"It's just my father was the one going around telling people I'd save the country. He did that when I was young but I just thought he was being a father. He really believed in it. And I miss him so much. But I don't know if I believe in it myself, I had my mother but now she's gone too" Audrielle didn't notice but a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"Everyone misses their parents when they're gone. They were gone out of your life too early. But soon you'll realize that there are other teachers out there. You're not left with no rope to hold on too. No one expects you to be ready to fulfill your destiny now. People are just glad you're here. The only way for you to go is up. After you leave for Genta's place you'll start learning. The more you learn the better you get. We've been waiting a long time, least we can do is wait until your ready. And it'll happen someday," he gave her a side hug, and his smile was wide and showed over his scruffy beard.

"Thank you," she said to him. Just because her parents are gone doesn't mean she doesn't have and won't have people she can look up to.

Suddenly there was the loud sound of the knock on the door.

"We're closed," Frano yelled.

"It's the messenger, a letter from Genta!"

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