Chapter 16

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When she woke up it was already dark outside, but there were loud bustling noises in the Inn. She got up trying to rub the sleep out her eyes. She stretched as she got up and combed her hair with he fingers a little bit. She was surprised how easy it was to handle now that it was shorter. She wondered why she hasn't cut her hair before. Life is so much easier when you look for comfort and not for "finding a husband" like most girls her age were doing.

She got herself mildly ready and went down the stairs. This Inn is definitely meant for the night crowd. It was pretty tame in Spathi, the night crowd was a few kids not knowing what to do with themselves, some old folks with way too many versions of the same story, and that one guy that you're pretty sure saw things in previous wars.

Here it was just a bunch of guards and middle-aged men filling the place to the brink. Gunners strapped to almost every belt in the room.

"Hey Audrielle can you help me a little bit here," Frano asked her.

"What do you want me to do?" She smiled at him. Frano seemed like a nice old man that puts in everything for what he cares about. It seems like he probably did a lot more for the rebellion than most.

"I need you to wait that table in the corner, have you waited tables before?" He looked at her and probably made the assumption she has not done much of the kind before.

"I actually did some table waiting when I was still in the Academy for a little extra money," she gave him a reassuring smile. He gave her a smile back and handed her paper and pencil.

She headed right over to the table to take their order.

"What would you like today guys?"

The three men that were there looked like old guards, maybe a little short of ten years from retirement. One seemed like he was quiet and beaten down by the weather and heat, the one next to him was already tipsy and had a laugh that made you want to scrap off your ears. The third person seemed to be sucking up to everything the second one was saying and doing.

"A beer all around the table missy," the second guy chanted. The third guy cheered and, while the other was indifferent.

Audrielle held her tongue, being called missy made her want to shove the pencil down the second guy's throat. But she was here to serve Frano for letting them stay at the Inn.

"Sure be right back," she tried to hide her want to hiss. She nodded at them with a forced smile and went off to set three beers on a big plate and brought it to them. The first guy sipped it slowly, while the other two ordered beer after beer. Getting more and more drunk as the night went on.

"I should be getting home to my old lady, see you tomorrow fellas," the first guy said as he said goodbye, tipping Audrielle a few extra bronze coins.

"Thank you," Audrielle smiled at him. SHe wondered why a nice man like that was friends with those two idiots. But in the end you can't really choose who you work with and finding competent friends who are guards in a place like Rel is kinda hard to do.

She turned to walk away thinking that the two idiots left were behind drunk enough, most of the people have gone home and they seemed to be the only ones left. But guy number two grabbed her wrist and pulled her back.

"Where are you going little lady I haven't given you my tip yet," he gave a drunken laugh and a messy wink. She pulled her hand away harshly.

"Sir I think you are drunk enough. I suggest you pay and leave," Audrielle gave him a dark look. That was probably not the best idea because he started to look a little-pissed off.

"Excuse me bitch who do you think you are," he said, he raised his hand to slap her but Keoat got in front and grabbed his hand midair.

"I wouldn't do that If I were you," Keoat hissed at him.

"Oh really pretty boy," the main took his other hand and pulled the gunner out of his pocket and pointed it and Audrielle. "Now you let go of me or I'll shoot this pretty broad in the head."

Keoat gave him the dirtiest look as he slowly let go of his hand, but then from behind Kralim smacked the gun out of the man's hand and a gunshot went off leaving a ring in Audrielles ears.

She looked down at her leg and saw that the bullet barely grazed her leg, and upon closer inspection, the bullet was floating in midair next to her leg. She was in a confused wonder. She then saw the bullet drop to the floor.

There was a rustling up the stairs behind her and she whipped her head around to see a 16-year-old boy with dark brown hair scurry up the steps, giving her a frantic look before disappearing at the top of the stairs.

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