Chapter 35

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Audrielle was finally ready to go again after a good night's sleep.  her body ached a bit but her sellia seemed to be back and so was her energy.  All she needed to do was go ahead and find Solxa to keep her training going.  When she left the infirmary to go to the guest quarters down here she was surprised to see King Felix make his way over to the infirmary.  Well not too surprised, Genta did tell her the day before.  He waved at her as he passed by.  He seemed a mix of worry and excitement.  That seemed to be everyone's mood.

Audrielle finally found Solxa, leaving her room.

"Ah, I was just preparing your next lesson.  It's time for you to learn how to apply the destructive power of dark magic to things like words, and potions."  Genta waved Audrielle inside her room and showed her the books and materials laying around to do just that.  

"How do I put destructive power into something that I can't physically see?  Or feel?"

Genta tried to find some way to make it make sense.  "It's not about seeing or being able to physically touch it.  It's about intention.  If you have the intention to put it into something whether it be physical or not.  The magic has no where else to go but there.  Let me demonstrate to try and help."  Genta picked up the book and started to utter some words as she looked at a pot in the room.  After she was done speaking, the pot started to turn into a type of sand like material.  

"What is the significance of the words you speak?"  Audrielle asked.

"None really it's just the intention.  Saying things a certain way can help with your intent.  But I could say something that has nothing to do with what I'm cursing and it still work to an extent.  But the way you word things helps with the intention.  You can make certain words powerful to you."

Audrielle seemed to have a hold on what she was saying.

"Now when it comes to something like potions it's the same thing but you incase the destructive power within.  When someone drinks it they're own body turns on them and they just start to fail from the inside out.  Kind of what happened to that pot.  But less pretty when it happens to a person.  It's very ineffective to curse a pot and keep the destructive power within it.  If someone touches it the worst it'll do is burn them.  But if you get someone to drink something or consume something.  That's when it takes effect.  Now lets try," Genta motioned to the bowl of water and the rat that was in the cage with said water.

Upon looking at it Audrielle knew what she had to do.  But was hesitant to do so at first, but there wasn't any way else for her to learn.  She had to make sure what she was doing worked.  She tried to think of words that would help stir up the sellia within her but nothing really came to mind at first.  But then she started to think about her reason for doing this.  She held up her hands, build up sellia and say, "For my family," while releasing the sellia into the water.  Now just looking at the water didn't tell her if it worked or not.  She now just had to wait for the rat to drink it.  Good thing it didn't take very long.  

What happened to the rat when it drank from the water, she never wanted to see happen to any human being.  It was almost as if the rat was melting from the inside.  It was like boiling water was trying to make its way out.  She almost threw up looking at it.  All that was left of the rat after was a pile of dust.  

"It's graphic.  But effective.  I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy though.  Only because it's so hard to watch and do to someone."  Genta commented looking down at what was left of the rat.

"What was that book you were using before when you cursed the pot?"  Audrielle wondered.  If you make up the words yourself, then why is there a whole book as if the words summoned the sellia for anyone.

"It's not for cursing.  I just use books and random words to carry my sellia.  It doesn't really matter to me what words I use.  It can matter, but I have never been in a situation where it needed too.  I'm good at carrying my sellia on it's own."

"I see," Audrielle said.  She wondered if Solxa cared about anything.  It seemed that through losing everything, she doesn't have the energy or trust to care about anything else.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"  Solxa snapped Audrielle out of her thought.  

Audrielle struggled to find a reply.  "Nothing."

Genta gave her a suspicious look, but just continued.  "Well, next thing you can do is try to curse something directly.  The bowl that the water is in."

Audrielle nodded and turned to it, avoiding looking at the dust of the rat.  She focused her sellia and whispered words that had to duel with her fuel for revenge.  Imagining that the bowl was either the Queen, or any of her companions.  That seemed to help.  After the words carried the sellia, the bowl burst and she jumped back trying to avoid the water splashing at her.  A little bit of the water touched her arm, and her arm burned.  She winced in pain as she tried her best to wipe it off.

"You have to be careful, if the sellia you sent is not controlled it bursts, instead of breaking down the object...or person.  Let me see it."  Genta motioned to Audrielle's arm.  Audrielle shook her head.

"I'm fine.  I'm just going to show this to Lexani," Audrielle said and left.  This training was dangerous, and disturbing.  It seemed like it would do more harm than good.

Solxa watched as Audrielle stormed out, obviously bothered.  This training is hard work.  But if she is to learn all of the magics, she needs to learn all of them well.  Maybe she wasn't approaching this the way she should.    Solxa sighed and decided to go after her.

Lexani put her hand over Audrielle's burn and pulled out as much of the dark magic as she could.  All that was left was a small burn that would heal fairly quickly.  The pain had definitely gone away and she didn't feel as if the nerves in her arm were tingling anymore.  Lexani was truly good at what she did.  Then Solxa came into the room.  Audrielle didn't really want to learn dark magic this way anymore.  She felt like it was starting to get too dangerous for her to handle.

"So I might not be teaching you this the best way," Solxa admitted.  Audrielle was surprised she did.  "The point of dark magic isn't to destroy everything and kill everything.  The point is to protect the things you love through the passion in your own heart.  All the other magic isn't as based on your own will as much as dark magic is.  If you can focus what you want to do into your sellia, you are not only in more control but are more powerful.  Try thinking about it that way when you approach using it, alright?"  Solxa smiled at her.  Audrielle was surprised she was, she didn't think Solxa could smile.  "Why are you looking at me like that again?"  Solxa said.

Audrielle gave a small laugh and smiled back at her.  "You put on a persona of not caring about very much.  But you really care maybe more than anyone else."

"That's not true its just..." Solxa couldn't really find a way to argue.  Then all of a sudden, Genta started screaming in the corner.  Lexani rushed over to her.

"Genta are you alright?"  Lexani asked her.

"It's happening," Genta spoke through the pain.  "The baby is coming."

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