Chapter 1

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It was a quiet summer day and the trees seemed to be dancing with the wind as she looked up from the cool grass of Spalon. It had been ten minutes past the time that Keoat was supposed to arrive and Audrielle was getting a bit restless. The only thing keeping her from having a fit was the calm nature of her surroundings. The wind washed over every living and nonliving thing and made the air clean and easy to breathe. Tomorrow was the last day at the Academy and it only made this day seem better. Each student would be chosen for their position in Spathi's army. Keoat though graduated early based on his amazing ability and is now already a Lieutenant to the Colonel who is in charge of the town.

Audrielle was not very good at the sword for some reason. She always has this lingering feeling she was born into the wrong faction. Maybe martial arts would have been better, or even the gunner faction, though the dry desert conditions seemed impossible to live with. She really wishes she was born into the magic faction. Every other faction were weak and feeble compared to the great faction of Mageia. Spathi was where Audrielle was born, in a small town called Spalon right next to the Toxoulia gate.

She took in a heavy sigh and turned to her side and to see the forest seeming miles long. Only seconds later there were fast and heavy footsteps approaching behind her and she rolled over to see Keoat running toward her. He stopped short of running straight into her and looked down and gave her an apologetic look.

"Had to walk my sister home from school," he dropped his sword to the ground right next to him as he joined Audrielle in the grass.

"Keoat, I know you were checking in at the lab. School ended for her a week ago," She looked at his face for any emotion. Keoat's sister has had an incurable illness ever since their mother died. The same incurable illness as Audrielles mother.

"Yeah you're right as always," he gave a weak smile as his gaze shifted to the wave-like grass.

"Did anything turn up?" She asked him with only little hope. Every time before she had been disappointed with the same answer.

"No." His hand clenched as he brought up a fistful of grass with it. He tossed it carelessly to the side.

"Well let's talk about something else. What position do you think I'll get?" Audrielle asked him, trying to change the subject.

"A secretary in the labs," Keoat gave a small chuckle. Audrielle frowned almost childlike. Give Keoat a little smack on the shoulder.

"I might not be the best with the sword but I'm no secretary. My academic grade was always far above yours. Even though you are a year older than me." She gave a small mocking smirk to him as she looked to the sky. "Oh my stars, it's almost sundown I'm going to be late for dinner!" Audrielle explained and bolted up in a hurry, gathering up her leather bag and brushed the dirt off of her muted red skirt.

"I should probably be heading home as well, I'll see you later Elle," Keoat gave a small wave and his same sideways smirk before he headed out into the far distant town. Audrielle looked off in the other direction towards the large woods of Spalon. The gate to Toxoulia stood tall and shadowed in the darkening evening. You could only see the top of the gate though. The woods were far and wide and capture anyone trying to hide from the Queen. It's almost impossible to escape to another faction. Toxioulia might be the worst one to go too, covered in harsh heat and dry sand. Anthropina would not be much better, covered in body freezing cold. The continent was covered in four different climates, each faction adapting as such.

Audrielle finally peeled her eyes from the gate and started home.

Once she had arrived home the house seemed eerily quiet.

"Hey, Ma, you home?" Audrielle called out to the still house. There was a rustling in the den and then Audrielle felt a stiff wooden spoon hit her behind.

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