Chapter 40

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Keoat as soon as he heard those words come out of her mouth he pulled her in again.  he had been waiting so long for this.  She is the only person he thinks of.  She's in his dreams, his thoughts, his memories.  This is all he's ever wanted.  She was the last person in his life he cared about more than anyone else.  When she kissed him back there was a hunger in his chest that he hadn't felt before.  When she ran her hands through his hair it sent shivers down his spine.  He grabbed her waist and laid her down on the bed.  When he lifted himself a bit to catch some air she grabbed his shirt and pulled him back down to her.  He knew she wanted him too.  Audrielle slid her hand up his shirt and he took a pleasing breath.  As his hand was trailing up her leg the door opened and then jumped off each other.

"Well didn't mean to walk in on whatever was going on here let me just turn right around," Rekin walked out just as fast as he came in.  Audrielle and Keoat looked at each other and laughed.

"It wasn't hard to change our demeanor toward each other," Keoat commented.  

"That was more than a change in demeanor," Audrielle chuckled.  Keoat and Audrielle decided they should probably head downstairs and start the new day.  

When they got downstairs there was Yei getting filled in by Ran and Belan.  Rekin was avoiding eye contact with Keoat and Audrielle and Mageia was wondering why.  But she just shrugged it off and proceeded to tell them what Rekin was probably trying to tell them when he walked in on them.

"Rekin unlocked earth and fire magic!"  Mageia exclaimed excitedly.

"I was wondering why he was only able to use wind magic.  I assumed it had to do with his past.  We analyzed and went through it and he all of a sudden through some meditation and sellia gathering sputtered out the ability of two new magics!  These boy is really something," Belan ruffled up Rekin's hair like he was his own father.  Rekin looked very proud of himself.  But he was also nervous.  He had two new magics to learn.

"Can I see her?"  Audrielle heard Yei say to Ran.  Yei seemed to have a deep connection with Ran and her family.  But she wasn't related to them in any way.  She wondered what her story was.  She was starting to learn that everyone had a story.

"Let's wait until she's all recovered," Ran said to her.  Yei nodded and was very understanding.  But you could tell that she was disappointed by this.  Yei looked up and her dark brown eyes met Audrielle's.  For the first time since she got here Yei looked like she had something she wanted to say to her.  

"Thank you, for saving Genta.  She's my teacher and is like an older sister to me.  I am in your debt," Yei said to her and bowed her to show her appreciation.  Audrielle urged her back up.

"You don't need to thank me, Genta is important to me too," Audrielle smiled at her.  And to her surprise Yei smiled back up at her.  She was making friends with her, and that made her happy.

"Audrielle it seems you are low on clothes and could use some more.  How about Yei takes you shopping around here.  Take some gold and go into town," Ran smiled at the young women's blossoming friendship.

Yei and Audrielle put on some warm layers and headed into town.  Yei was shy to talk at first, so Audrielle tried to start the conversations. 

"So how did you end up joining the rebellion?"  Audrielle asked.  

"Well, when I was young my father sold me to a dark guild in Mageia.  I was only five years old.  But when I was seven Genta came and saved me from them.  Ran and Belan took me in.  I owe them my life.  I don't know what would have come of me if I was left there.  Genta eventually taught me Arcane magic and I found my place in the rebellion.  I've been there ever since."  Yei smiled thinking about the people that saved her life.  Audrielle could tell that the rebellion was her family.

They shopped around and Audrielle got some loose fitting clothing that she could train in for magic and such.  As well as some leather type things to go with it so that she was secure and comfortable.  Yei came out of her shell as they were shopping and even convinced Audrielle to get a dress.

"I know you have someone you want to impress," Yei prodded her.  Audrielle did, but she really wasn't the type of person to go all out to impress.  She really didn't know how, and it made her very uncomfortable.  

"I do but this really isn't my thing," Audrielle touched the lacey fabric of the dress and sighed.  Maybe Keoat likes this type of girl?  The dress was a pale red, a color that seemed a little higher class and girly.

"You never know until you really try it out," Yei said.  Audrielle sighed and thats how she got the dress.  As they were heading back Audrielle really started to think about this thing she started with Keoat.  She felt different around him now, but it was a good different she thought.  He was still her best friend, but she had urges around him.  When she confessed to him it was a shift.  When he looked at her now it made her blood bubble.  She knew she loved him.  

When they got back Genta was up in the living area already with her baby, feeding him at the moment.  Yei's face lit up and she went right over to her.  Audrielle went over as well, getting a good look at Alwyn.  He had dark brown strands floating on his head.  His eyes already were beginning to open and she caught glimpses of the gold in his eyes.  When he was done feeding he was just looking around.  He was so innocent Audrielle thought to herself.  He knew nothing of the world, only that he needed food and sleep and love.  She was going to make a world that he could grow.  For her own family and for the next generation.

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