Chapter 15

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The first thing that Kralim did for them is give them robes to protect them from the sun. It made you hot and sweaty yes, but the type of sunburn you get here makes your skin peel right off. And the city they were in, Rel, was the best it gets on the weather. Everyone in Toxoulia has a caramel range of skin. Kralim was in the middle of that range, with blue eyes and sandy blonde hair. He also had an earring in his left ear.

Audrielle though thought he seemed a little egotistical. The type of person who thinks they're on top of the world and no one can stop them.

They were led to an inn not too far into Rel. The name struck a chord with her. Sitting On A Star. It was a nice name to recognize the Goddess Ren.

Audrielle and Magia just followed the boys lead, not knowing what else to do or exactly what was going on. Keoat and Kralim were talking to the innkeeper while Audrielle and Magia were left to twiddle their thumbs.

"What was your favorite subject at school?" Audrielle looked at a bored Magia. It took a moment for Magia to realize she was asked a question.

"I didn't really have one," she looked off in the other direction a little bit.

"Nothing about school you liked?" Audrielle was confused, considering the fact that she was a person that loved to learn. Magia just shrugged.

"I guess I liked to draw. But that wasn't really part of the school, I just doodled on a lot of my classwork," Magia smiled a bit.

"What kind of things would you draw?"

"Well, I would draw people or objects. I guess I'm more of a person who draws based on observation."

Audrielle then had an idea. "If I got you materials to draw with, would you draw this locket for me?" She pointed to the locket around her neck. Magia was a little surprised by the question, but the more she thought about it she got pretty excited to have something to draw. Especially for someone, she thinks she is growing close too. Even though she doesn't really know what that's like, she never really had any type of friends or family.

"I would love to do that, as a thank you for saving me. Everyone else who saw me struggling was just passing by me, doing nothing. But you actually helped me. Like that day at the academy. Really, thank you," Magia's smile was radiant at that moment. And Audrielle just realized how pretty she was. Magia just seemed so sad all the time it was amazing and pleasantly surprising to see how she was when she was happy. It was like Audrielle was seeing the real personality of this girl.

"Of course. And don't let anything in your past or what anyone says tear you down. You are beautiful. And you don't seem like the kind of person to try to hurt or cross anyone. You deserve better than how you've been treated," Audrielle gave her a warm smile and took her hand in her own to comfort her. Magia looked like she was close to tears all of a sudden.

"Oh my stars, did I say something wrong? Why are you crying?" Audrielle started freaking out, which made Magia laugh a bit. Which just confused Audrielle beyond normal.

"It's nothing you did, it's just no one has really said anything like that to me before," Magia just pulled Audrielle into a hug. Audrielle had never had any other female except her mother in her life really to be close too. She had a few friends, but she didn't have much in common with the girls in the Academy. All they wanted to talk about was marriage, boys, clothing, beauty, and Audrielle just wasn't one of those girls. She usually hung out with Keoat and that was it. So her last couple years in the Academy were rough without him.

So Audrielle is glad she is getting to get close to another female. It was almost like Magia is like a little sister. But she wasn't that much younger than her. She seemed around 13 years old, only four years in between. Audrielle was happier then she thought she would be to have another female to connect with.

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