Chapter 30

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The next morning she woke up early and well rested.  She was also mostly excited.  For the new future that she was ready to take on for both her hands.  She got ready with the clothes she had, ones easy to move in and rushed downstairs.  It seemed she and Keoat were the only ones awake at the moment.  He was chewing on a piece of bread and reading when she reached the bottom of the stairs.

"Good morning," Audrielle gave Keoat a bright smile.  

"Well someone seems happy this morning.  I got word that there were people looking for me in the Queen's army.  They thought they would recover my body but it was never found.  They asked Kind Felix but he said that I must of died in the attack.  So as of right now I am suppose to be dead, but the Queen hasn't taken that bait.  So I'm not going to be travelling for awhile," Keoat told Audrielle.  

"So there were no survivors they let live at all?"

Keoat gave a saddened sigh.  "No, they didn't know who the rebels were, so they just killed everyone."

"So everyone we grew up with is..."

"They're dead now."

"Yeah..." Audrielle promised herself to avenge them.  Make herself strong for them.  "Is anyone else awake?"

Keoat shook his head.  "I couldn't sleep, so I just came down and had a little for breakfast.  Kralim is suppose to come here and we are going to talk about our next steps since you're here.  You know, I always knew you were a chosen one.  Something told me there was something special about you.  And I held on to that.  You're the most important person to me right now.  I have no one left but you.  So don't...don't forget about me alright?"

Audrielle was taken aback, "Why would I ever forget about you.  You looked after me since day one.  You're all I have left to Keoat.  I don't care about the praise of being the chosen one.  You are one of the people that made me who I am today.  I will never ever forget that.  It's me and you now.  We're family.  We can't let each other go."

Keoat smiled at her.  He wanted to tell her how he felt.  How he really felt about her.  It was burning him up inside and burned his throat.  When he looked at her there was nothing else.  He could look at her forever.  He had never felt love this strong for anyone before.  But she just didn't see him that way and it hurt.  And being around her hurt him too sometimes.  He is reminded of what he wants and can't have.  Even if she wasn't interested in another guy or didn't see him as a brother she had too much on her plate right now.  Too much to be worrying about him.  The best thing he could ask for at least was not to lose her completely.  

There was a knock at the door.  Keoat went up to get it and there in the doorway was Kralim.

"You know I hate this damn cold.  It seems to want to freeze away my skin.  I can't even feel my face.  Is it still there?  Do I still have a face," Kralim grumbled.  When he looked at Audrielle his face lit up.

"Oh look, isn't it Golden Eyes!  Aren't you beautiful in the morning," Kralim went over to her and kissed her hand.  Audrielle's face went red.  Not just from the kiss on her hand, but from the kiss they shared back at the inn.  She had never done anything so heated before.

"Kralim we have actual business to attend to," Keoat hissed at him.  Kralim held up his hands in defense.

"Ok, it's not like I'm hurting anyone.  Just saying hello to the chosen one here.  Better than any chosen one I could have imagine," Kralim gave Keoat a sneer and looked over to Audrielle.  "Let's talk later, Golden Eyes."  He gave her a wink.  He followed Keoat up the stairs to the secret passage while Keoat seemed to grunt complaints under his breath.

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