Chapter 8

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After Keoat got the news they went back immediately. Keoat went silent the moment the guard told him. Audrielle just didn't know what to do. He was always there for her and now in his absolute time of need, there was nothing she could really do. She couldn't bring his wonderful sister back. She was just glad that Keoats little sister never once backed down and fought this illness with all her might. And lived life to the fullest knowing that this day might come. She really thinks Keoat knew this was going to happen, but he gave himself hope every time he walked into that lab. Thinking that something was magically going to keep his little sister alive forever. And she thinks that hope might have killed him too.

"Keoat is there anythi-"

"I don't want to talk I just...need to think." She could hear the sadness in his voice. Every word that came out of his mouth was weak and shaky. He looked out at the sky the whole time never once looking at her in the eye. It was hurting her so bad to see him like this. He was her rock. What was she going to do without her rock?

"I just want to-"

"AUDRIELLE NOTHING CAN HELP! SO JUST STOP." She jumped back at his sudden outburst. He gave a small look of regret and went back to looking out the window.

She had never seen Keoat like this. No matter what had happened he would take it like no big deal. But this broke him to his very core. His little sister was his world. Protecting her from their step-father after his mother passed away was his priority. He had her staying with a trusted friend. The worst part is she knew he was going to blame himself for all this. Just because he was gone at the time. But what could he really do?

She thought that's what frustrated him the most. He couldn't really do anything about it. He just saw his little sister from the moment she was born wither away. He tried to pick up as many pieces as he could but in the end, he was picking up less and less. Keoat always like having control over things. Anytime he couldn't do anything he would go crazy. He would pretend that he was doing something. Convinced himself he was helping his sister by looking for a way to solve it. That one day it would all be okay and he shouldn't worry about it.

And Audrielle felt the same way about her mother. She just watched as the strongest person in her life slowly disappears. And Audrielle didn't know what she was going to do without her.

"Hey, Audrielle?" Keoat said while still peering out at the night sky. She looked over.


"Why would Ren really be out there, if she let my sister die. Or let someone like the Queen control us. And most people who have magic don't deserve it. My stepfather is a real prick and shouldn't have had any right over my sister. Why did kids at our school seem to always be after you and how I just wanted them to see how great you were and that they were assholes. Why does so much bad shit happen?" By the time he finished talking he was sobbing. Or maybe he stopped talking because he couldn't anymore.

So she held him like he did to her not even an hour before. And they stayed like that the whole ride home. Because that's what he needed from her. When everything in your life changes you want one thing to stay the same. One thing that you can count on in the worst of times. Because if you don't have that then you have to get through something on your own. And that might be even worse than the actual event.

So she wanted to be there for him when he needed. Because really that's the best you can do. You won't be able to solve everything. But you can make the pain... less. Be a shoulder. Everyone is going to be a shoulder once in their life. She wanted to be a good one.

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