Chapter 23

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Everyone was awoken the next morning by a banging on the door which of course belonged to Genta. And when she didn't hear the sounds of you getting ready she would bang again.

After 20 minutes everyone was gathered down the stairs and around the breakfast table which was full of food. Genta was able to make a lot of food fast, Audrielle didn't know how she did it.

Genta rushed everyone through breakfast though so she could get to what she wanted to say.

"So today I have chores for everyone, for the food and housing, you will, of course, have to work for it. Not too much, I know you all have a long journey ahead. Rekin and Keoat I want you to water my garden in the back. They need to be watered a lot since it's so hot, even in Gunner. I will also need you guys to weed it and pull out any vegetables that might be ready. Keoat your mother was a gardener I trust you know what that looks that. Then after that is finished I need you guys to go to my fruit trees and gather the ripe fruit in a basket and bring them to the dining table. By that time you guys can take a rest.

Magia I have seen that you have a very acute talent in art. Would you be able to draw me and my husband together so that my child has a portrait of their parents."

"Yeah I can," Magia responded.

"Audrielle, today you will be working with me. You will learn the history of magic and everything you need to know about this rebellion and I will answer as many questions as you have. Felix, I would like you to help the boys with the garden. And could you figure out a place for Rekin, he seems like a useful smart boy."

"Of course my love," Felix responded giving her a kiss on the cheek before waving Keoat and Rekin outside. Magia went up the stairs to work on the portrait and Audrielle was left in the room with Genta.

"Come up to my room, I have my research and papers in there," Genta motioned for Audrielle to follow as they went to a room off next to the kitchen. It was a moderately sized room, it had papers all over a desk in the corner, and the bed was a sort of mess. Genta pulled up another chair to her desk and then picked up a few pieces of paper.

"Now what do you know about magic?" Genta asked after they got settled.

"That there are four of them, and they awaken once you start the change from child to adult. And that each of them fit individually toward a person," Audrielle told her.

"That is the idea. Anything else in depth?"

Audrielle shook her head. "Not really we skimmed over magic in our schooling in Spathi."

"Well good thing I'm here. First I'm going to go through the origin and abilities of each and every magic. Starting with the first one discovered which was Arcane." Genta handed Audrielle the paper with a picture of a person who had Arcane magic,

"What do you notice about that person?" Genta asked her.

"He's a big guy," Audrielle pointed out. The person on the page was tall and muscular.

"Yes. Arcane is basically pure power. It is the purest form of Sellia inside. Sellia is the magic power in which turns your strengths into magic.

Magic started a long time ago soon after the Queen took over, and the first babies were born with magic. The Queen slowly gathered those children up into her faction and then Mageia became the Capital of Magic. Your father approached Felix with a destiny for a girl. And here you are. So let's hope this tall tale he told us is true. The rebellion was built solely to try to prevent the Queen from getting stronger than she already was.

Now each and every magic fits someone's personality. There are four main magic. Arcane is power. Light is nature and healing. Dark is poisonous and aggressive. And elemental is the four elements which is for people with a more changing personality. Often they had a traumatic childhood. Now back to Arcane.

People with Arcane magic are big and brute. But it's not always physical. It can also be mental. So if you are mentally powerful Arcane could also be your magic.

Now when your father told us the chosen one was born he said she would be strong in Arcane. A few years after her birth he disappeared.

And here you are. Ready to fulfill the prophecy your father set out for you. You will learn all magic. Now, we went over Arcane. Next, we will talk about Light.

Now Light magic is for people with kind hearts. Light magic is not for fighting. It's for healing. You can make things grow, and bring people back from near death.

Dark magic is for those who hurt and have been hurt. Their Sellia is turned into anger and hatred and they draw energy from themselves. They can poison people with spells and elixirs. They attack sneaky and deadly.

Now onto Elemental magic. There is air, fire, water, and earth. People with elemental often have two opposites. Like air and earth, fire and water. Some but few elementals use three. No one has used all four. These people have drastic changes in their life. But a version of yourself is never really gone, so it is shown in their magic.

Air and earth is usually someone who was strong and great and now weak, or weak and has been forced to be strong. It's a time of change where you were a solid person turned weak, or a weak person who now has a more solid understanding of who they are,

Fire and water show that once you might have been self-conscious, a follower but something inside you changed to start to speak up and become angry and out there. Or you had a voice that was muffled. Or keep being surprised about changes in your life. All the Elementals I have met in my life have been very interesting.

Now to awaken your magic you have to go through a mediation process. A sort of soul searching people in Mageia learn when they are in school. But you have never really heard of it because the practices of magic are isolated from the other factions. Your sellia has also been dormant a long time so it might take a lot of effort.

Do you have any questions so far?"

"How can I learn all the magic when other people only learn one?"

"Because you are the chosen one. You have been assigned this task specifically. But the magic that clash with your personality will be much harder."

"How do we start?"

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