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***Aubrey's POV***

After two days of healing I am finally released to go home. I'm glad too, I miss home. We pack our beautiful babies into the Bentayga. They are so tiny in their car seats. I sit in the back with our pups while Jackson drives and Darius stares from the passenger seat.

Once we pull up to the castle, Darius helps me out of the SUV and he grabs my bags along with Ariana. Jackson grabs Kane. Both babies are carefully carried up the castle steps in their car seats. I'm not nearly as sore as I was after Ellie.

We are greeted to a house full of wolves and I immediately smile widely.

"Some of the elder pack members wanted to visit. This moment has been dreamed about for a very long time." Jackson explains.

"I don't mind." I confess.

"Queen." A little old lady comes up and hugs me.

"Aubrey, this is Mrs. Lana. She is the head of the nursery. She will watch the pups anytime it is needed." Darius explains.

"I remember meeting you at your Luna Ceremony." Mrs. Lana greets.

We speak for a few moments and then I am greeted by many of the elders that are members of our pack. I give them each time to fawn over the new royal pups.

Eventually, my small bundles wish to be fed and I excuse myself to the nursery to nurse my precious pups. Darius sits beside me on the couch up in the nursery. We smile down at our son and daughter as they each suckle their milk.

"I love you so much parvulus. You have been my greatest blessing." Darius kisses my lips softly.

"I love you, my King." I whisper against his lips.

"How does it feel, finally being a new mommy?" Darius asks.

"Perfect. Surreal. Unbelievable." I gaze lovingly into my husband's beautiful eyes.

"How about you Daddy?" I ask in return.

"Magnificent." He shakes his head.

"It was a long journey." I confess.

"Totally worth it." Darius confirms.

"Absolutely." I agree.

After our babies are well fed, we walk back down stairs and allow the rest of the visitors time with our pups.

"They are so perfect." Luce coos as she rocks Ariana.

"So, so beautiful." Brian cries while holding Kane.

"Thank you all from the bottom of my heart. I can't even begin to show the amount of appreciation I hold for each of you." I announce to my best friends.

"It's been our pleasure." Jackson kisses my head.

"I guess now is a good time to make an announcement." Jackson smirks.

"What?" I ask.

"Claire is pregnant." Jackson smiles.

"No fucking way." I jump up and down and bounce over to Claire.

"We confirmed this morning." Claire giggles.

"Congratulations." Darius claps Jackson on the back.

"We kinda had an idea but, we wanted to wait until the new Prince and Princess made their arrival." Claire says.

"That was completely unnecessary and totally sweet." I kiss my Clairebear on her cheek.

"How are you feeling Claire?" I ask.

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