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***Jackson's POV***

It's been days since Clarissa left. I can't find it in my heart to forgive her. I tried contacting her, against my own judgement. She hasn't even bothered to try to see anyone else's perspective.

I know she's my mate. I want her and I need her. I just can't put a bandaid over this issue. Even Viribus is angry with her.

She ruined everything. After claiming your mate with your mark, you should be celebrating. Unfortunately, that is impossible.

I have tried to see things from her angle. However, she really just has no just cause.

"Good morning Alpha, Good morning Luna." I greeted from the breakfast bar.

"Good morning Jax." They both greeted.

"Any luck with Clarissa?" Darius probed.

"Nope" I gritted popping the P.

"Maybe Persephone can help." Aubrey offered.

"Maybe" I jeered dejectedly.

"It's worth a try." Darius agreed.

"Yeah, I guess it couldn't hurt." I accepted.

After breakfast I contacted Persephone and we discussed the problem with Claire. She agreed to help and told me to let her handle it.

I don't care what she has to do. I'm not afraid to ask for help. I just hope whatever Persephone does, sets things on a right path.

***Persephone's POV***

Jackson asked me to intervene.

I don't usually get between mates.

But, desperate times call for desperate measures.

I asked for permission to bring Clarissa to the Chamber of Judgement.

It's time she got a reality check.

***Clarissa's POV***

The Moon Goddess requested my appearance in her realm. So here I am. I don't know what she thinks she can tell me that would change my mind.

I'm not wrong about Aubrey.

I know I'm not wrong.

But, The Moon Goddess can waste her time if she chooses.

"Moon Goddess." I greeted.

"Hello, Clarissa, it is nice to meet you." The Moon Goddess welcomed.

"Can we get this over with?" I asked without trying to be disrespectful.

"First, I would like to talk. I'm Persephone, Moon Goddess." She introduced.

"Okay, Persephone. What do you want to know?" I asked honestly.

She didn't seem like someone to be rude to. Therefore, I wouldn't be.

"Tell me what's bothering you." Persephone probed.

"Aubrey!" I admitted.

"We will get to Aubrey later. Right now I want to know about you. What has your journey been like?" Persephone requested.

"It could have been better. I mean I'm thankful to have found my mate, but my family isn't exactly thrilled for me." I confessed.

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