Damage Control

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***Aubrey's POV***

I'm so ready to go home. This day has been so long and it is only 11am in Haiti.

We are currently sitting in the Capital Building in a meeting with the President and Prime Minister of this small Nation. There is a slew of other head officials present.

We are discussing reform and punishment in case this situation ever arises again. I hate to say it, but they don't seem as detested as I feel they should.

I listen as they ramble their bull shit. My back aches and Im hungry. Go figure. They are clearly not on the same page as us.

"Are we going to circle around the same trash or are we going to move it to the dumpster?" I interrupt the Prime Minister.

"Excuse Me?" The Prime Minister, Fabienne asks incredulously.

"I apologize. I must have stuttered." I quip.

Darius stifles a laugh. I shoot him a glare.

"I said, you are wasting my time. I sit before you as a favor. You are obviously blind and I am offering you a Birdseye view of the issues plaguing your nation." I slam my hand on the table. Darius rests his hand on the small of my back and rubs small circles onto my flesh.

I pinch the bridge of my nose and sigh.

"Please, continue your rant. You have all of our attention Miss Winters." President Fakan sweeps his hand over his panel members.

"That's Queen Knight. You will respect me." I spit out.

He nods his head.

I stand from my seat and approach the open floor.

"You are the President of a failing Nation. Your people are starving, your officials are corrupt. The land is barren and even clean water is a privilege. Your orphanages are overflowing and the caretakers are selling children. Do you see the cracks in your rule? Should I continue?" I throw my hands in the air. Exasperation overwhelms me.

He says nothing and I choose to swing my proverbial axe.

"Disease is depleting your population. None of your methods are manifesting a positive result. I stand before you to offer insight. I am offering a helping hand or a thousand. I am gifting you with an opportunity to restructure your country into a thriving land. Tell me now, am I wasting my time? Mr. President." I huff.

A sharpe intake of breath is noted by myself. I look at the culprit and raise my eyebrow.

The fucking nerve of these politicians.

A low whistle is heard from Bryan and I turn my head to him and wink.

"My plan" I continue "My team comes in and installs wells. These will be low cost and cost efficient. This will supply water to all schools, villages and local orphanages. My guys will rebuild your mud homes and buildings in energy efficient materials that will save money in the long run. We will prepare your lands for crops and provide you with temporary workers to teach your country how to cultivate produce that will thrive in this environment. Over time you will export your produce to other nations creating a steady income. I will send in a group of financial advisors to reestablish a positive balance in your nations funds. We will set procedures in place to insure every citizen is accounted for. You will allow us to create security that is backed by a checks and balances system. You will make monthly rotations to all government run authorities to guarantee the safety of the children that have been left in your hands. We will work side by side to place children into stable home environments. If this means exporting children to other countries or continents, you will comply. The income you accumulate from the adoptions will be cycled back into the orphanages themselves. We will provide your nation with employment for your citizens by bringing our companies into Haiti. You will be responsible for assisting in the setup of said businesses. All finances will be over seen by a team of advisors that I choose. For five years you will be hands on in all these developments. You will accept a minimal income for your service. You will write bylaws into the judicial system to account for harsher punishments on human traffickers. You will make amendments to your political articles to ensure the next leaders follow the new standards set forth by this administration. After five years, you will be responsible to pay us back for our financial investment in your nation. The labor is on a volunteer basis so only appreciation is necessary as payment on that count. Do I make myself clear?" I accept a large breath of air as my spent, swollen belly pounds against my spread rib cage.

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