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***Darius POV***

Two weeks have passed and things are finally balancing in our lives.

Aubrey has moved passed the stages of vomiting. Abi passed by the stage completely untouched. It is a roller coaster at the castle.

If we thought Aubrey drunk was a stand up routine, Aubrey pregnant is a Netflix premier.

Hormones rage. Aubrey and Abi feed off each other like parasites. Any emotion one feels, the other mirrors it ten fold.

Food has become a precious commodity now. Werewolves have appetites. That is a well known fact. Aubrey and Abi could out eat all four of us males combined.

Aubrey is currently cooking her Seafood Alfredo. It's 5 am. I had to get up at 4 am because somebody decided the whole castle should be awake with her while she cooked.

"I hate you." Claire whined.

"When you are eating this yummy goodness you will forgive me." Aubrey sang the words like a love ballad.

"Doubt it." Bryan huffed.

"You can go back to bed it's okay." Aubrey shrugged.

Nobody took the bait. We already know there is a but coming.

"BUT" Aubrey glared, pointing her kitchen utensil at each one of us.

"I knew it." Jackson threw his hands in the air in obvious defeat.

"If you choose to deny me your company, I will deny you the company of my pups for a week." Aubrey threatens.

"You used that one yesterday." Luce groans.

"Take your chances." Aubrey dares as she shoots us all a satisfied smirk.

"I'm the dad." I deadpan.

"And I'm the Queen of Werewolves. Doesn't change the facts." Aubrey throws her head back in a delirious laugh.

"I will stay with you Aubear." Abi hip bumps Aubrey and they start dancing around the kitchen like two penguins on a sugar high.

"That's because your hungry." Ethan laughs.

"I'm growing a werewolf here." Abi glares as she points to her swollen belly.

"How the fuck are the two preggers more energetic than everyone else?" Ethan asks while rubbing his exhausted eyes.

"FOOD!" Aubrey and Abi squeal.

"You two are monsters." I accuse.

"Listen here, King. Keep on and you will sleep on the couch." Aubrey threatens me while swirling her swollen belly like a gypsy.

"I'm sorry parvulus." I run behind my sexy mate and start swaying against her, kissing her marks.

Aubrey looks back at me and pulls me down into a sensual kiss. I spin her around and press her against the counter. My lips are suffocating hers as I steal her breath. Her arms snake around my waist. She gropes my ass and moans into my mouth. My cock hardens under her tongue that was exploring my mouth like new found land. I wrap my fingers in her hair and pull her deeper. She crawls up my body by her legs like a damn koala.

"You have an audience." Claire laughs.

I break the kiss momentarily.

"Enjoy the show." I wink before returning to my heated kiss.

Aubrey's sent mixed with our pups is fucking intoxicating. I can smell it and taste it. She saturates my senses with her delectable scent.

Aubrey breaks the kiss when the kitchen timer goes off.

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