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***Clarissa's POV***

All day Aubrey has been tending to me like a coddling mother. She cooked us breakfast, and of course it just had to be the most mouth watering and sinful breakfast I had ever eaten.

Then we went on a tour of the territory. She chatted the whole time, including me in all the conversation.

When we were finished, she offered to send someone for a bag of my clothes. She wanted me to feel comfortable during my stay.

She raved over me, complimenting every single detail that made who I am. I don't know her ploy, but I'm not falling for it. I have friends, and believe me when I tell you, they will turn on you to save themselves.

Aubrey was so playful and continuously bantered with Jackson, Bryan and Ethan. She even had given them nicknames. Then she called me Claire. Whatever!

That is my nickname, but she doesn't get to use it. I don't want her pretending to like me. I don't trust her.

Jackson was a sweetheart. I was so enthralled by him. Every need I could have had, he supplied in an instant. I really want his friends to like me. Except Aubrey, I don't want her to do anything.

You might think I'm a bitch, but I have my reasons. Every time I find a best friend, they hurt me. They steal my boyfriends, use me or find new friends and forget I exist.

And, Aubrey, she is too perfect. It's sickening. Her act is not fooling me. I see that she has everything I could ever desire. She just flaunts it in my face.

Must be nice to just have everything you ever wanted, without lifting a single finger.

Her doting is unwelcomed.

I will get Aubrey to show her true colors, sooner rather than later.

"What's wrong?" Aubrey asks.

"Nothing's wrong" I said thru gritted teeth.

"Okay, if you need or want anything, just let us know. You are one of us now. We want you to be happy." Aubrey or Luna continued.

Can she get anymore annoying?

"Sweetie, I will be right back. Alpha needs me." Jackson excused himself.

"Hurry back babe" I replied.

The sooner the better!

"Is there anything you want to do?" Aubrey offers.

Yeah, get away from YOU! I thought.

"Not in particular" I rolled my eyes.

"We can go make lunch for the boys." She suggested.

"I don't cook." I spit.

"You can just watch. I will cook. You just relax and enjoy yourself." Aubrey promised.

See what I mean. Fake!!!

No one wants to wait hand over foot on other's. It's unnatural.

We went to the kitchen of the pack house and Aubrey, not me, cooked a huge meal for all the pack members. She had slaves everywhere just falling at her feet, happy to do whatever she asked.

She made fried chicken, fried pork chops, baked beans, macaroni and cheese, potato salad, cole slaw, hand cut biscuits. She even made them banana cream pie, chocolate cake, brownies and cookies.

I just sat there, pretending to listen to all her bogus stories, while picking my fingernails.

Aubrey brought me a cold glass of milk and a brownie. I checked it for spit.

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