Humpty Dumpty

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As we walked towards Aubrey's house I could feel her stiffen.

"Baby, I can run in and get your wallet." I offered.

"No, we will all go in. I can handle this." She promised.

We all slowly proceeded, each of us flanking Aubrey as we walked.

Once the house was in full view, we saw so much stuff on her porch. Untouched even tho two week's had passed.

Aubrey bravely moved forward and ascended the porch.

She grabbed an envelope that was taped to the door.

As she was unlocking her door, she looked back at the stuff.

Dying flowers, potted plant baskets, baby gifts, stuffed animals, balloons and wreaths were piled everywhere.

"Do you guys mind bringing all this in the house please?" She asked.

Her face was emotionless.

We got everything in and I sat beside Aubrey on her couch. Jackson, Ethan and Bryan sat on the floor in front of us.

Aubrey opened the envelope and began to read out loud:


We came to check on you and found the baby's death certificate on the ground. Words cannot describe how much we sympathize with you. We put an obituary in the paper. We hope you don't mind. We didn't want to dishonor your precious little girl's life. We are here if you need us.

With Love and Adoration,

The Smitts

Aubrey's hands shook as she pulled the obituary and death certificate from the envelope.

Ellie Alisabeth Winters, an angel born sleeping. Loved before she was held. Born to Aubrey Elizabeth Winters. May she sleep peacefully in the arms of her Nanny and Grandma for eternity.

Five wolves sat in that small home as tears fell down our face. No words were said as we were touched by Aubrey's neighbor's gesture.

"Are you going to be okay Aubrey?" Ethan quietly asked.

"I'm ok." She whispered.

"I just want to let this all go. This world brought nothing but pain. I don't want to wallow in the misery." She stated.

"We can sell your house and donate your belongings if you would like." I offered.

"I got a better idea" Aubrey spoke.

"Anything you would like." Jackson offered.

Aubrey left the room and quickly returned with a piece of paper.

"This is the deed to my house. I'm going to donate it as is, to the women's shelter. I will leave the title to the car and what's left in my savings as well. Maybe, something beautiful can come of this. I only want my mother's ashes and Ellie's ashes. We can send all my mom's belongings to my sister and brother." she informed.

"It already has." I cooed.

Aubrey is too bright of a light to have ever graced such a cruel dark world.

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