Scarlet Letter

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***Aubrey's POV ***

"Are you ready parvulus?" Darious questioned.

"I am." I confirmed.

Today is my first act as a warrior. I was worried. Not so much about the choices I would make, rather the details I would learn.

I had made a point in this new life to bury the pain of my past existence. This day would no doubt exhume my past. Either way, I was ready.

"We will all be here when you return." Darius kissed me as he released me from his hold.

"Thank you." I whispered.

I hurried to the human realm, my assignment was to be the judge and jury for a young mother who was accused of killing her newborn. She relinquished the opportunity to have a trial by jury. Instead, she would leave her fate to my hands. Judge and Jury, it all rested within my power.

I sat upon my worldly throne, looking across the courtroom. The mother had not made her way to the room. I scanned the attendees, soaking in the feelings that saturated the air.

Fear, disgust, hate and sorrow latched onto my being with a vengeance.

My heart immediately broke as the defendant shuffled to her seat.

Young. Extremely young. The file that was now offered to me stated her age as 14. Too young.

I scanned the documents, bringing the details of the plaintiffs to my attention.

"The details provided state you waive your right to a trial by a jury of your peers." I address the young girl.

"Yes ma'am." She confirms.

"You realize, by doing so, your fate lies solely to my discretion with no room for appeal." I clarify.

"Yes, your honor. I am aware of the consequences of all of my decisions." She sniffles.

Her eyes were red and puffy. Her choices have no doubt weighed heavily upon her small frame. She was already suffering the burden of guilt.

"Prosecutor, please state your case. The defense attorney will state his afterwards." I continued.

Persephone had coached me thru my role in this case. I confidently acted the part.

"The defendant is accused of infanticide." The Prosecutor echoed thru the courtroom.

A series of hushed oohs passed thru the crowd as the woman's scarlet letter was presented to the surveyors.

The defendant's head hung low as her shoulders heaved upon hearing their judgement.

"What evidence do you have to present?" I questioned with false bravado.

As I awaited the evidence, the Bailiff urged the room to settle to silence.

I drank from the glass of water that sat upon my judgmental perch. My mouth was instantly dried by the first exhibit.

"Exhibit A." The prosecutor pointed to the projector on the right of my seat.

My stomach lurched and I fought to keep down the breakfast I had consumed in the early morning.

An innocent angel, her baby, was was offered to me in its lifeless state.

My mind became muddled between the portrait of her angel and my own. Flickers of Ellie washing thru my sensory perfunctory. Tears threatened in the cusp of my eye lids in milliseconds.

I cleared my throat and breathed slowly. Focusing on the Prosecutor who was gleaming at the shock instilled upon my face.

"Please remove Exhibit A from the projector." I demanded.

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