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***Aubrey's POV***

A week had passed since we found out I was pregnant.

Dr. Christy explained that I would probably suffer morning sickness for the first month. She wasn't kidding. Instead of morning sickness, I had all day sickness. I literally expelled the food before I could swallow.

After a brief call, I was informed I suffer from Hyperemesis Gravidarum, a severe form of morning sickness.

She also informed me that werewolves were only pregnant for about five months. Carrying twins would lessen that by a few weeks.

I was not getting proper nutrition and ended up at the hospital three more times this past week. Fluids, blood and nutrition were administered thru IV.

The nightmares have calmed down. This was due to an epiphany Darius conjured up.

The night of my first appointment Darius woke to blood curdling screams. In his panic his wings sprouted from his brand and he wrapped his body around mine. The minute I was cocooned within his winged embrace, I was calm.

Now when we sleep, his wings hold me throughout the night. No nightmares!

When Darius is out and I am exhausted, I let my own wings out and curl them around my arms. Apparently the pups like being cuddled.

As each day passes I am learning what pregnancy entails. There is a searing hunger that can't be sated due to the vomiting. I have migraines but, I have prescriptions for the pain and nausea. I am on a roller coaster of emotions. Every emotion feels like the most extreme high or low depending on the situation.

I cry. A lot! Most the time I laugh at myself because the reason is too stupid to comprehend.

I cried the other morning because I was so happy I slept. Then I cried because I couldn't locate my phone, which I was talking to Darius on, crying about how it was lost.

I cry over movies and I cry over food. It really doesn't matter what it is, I just cry.

Bryan has taken to making a huge joke over it. He's running bets on what I cry over next.

Claire is coddling. Luce cries daily over her excitement. Abi has made it her personal mission to keep me laughing.

I still have no baby bump. The weight I had lost was substantial for my frame. Dr. Christy said as soon as I am able to hold down food I will need to gain it all back.

She doesn't have to worry. I have written down all the foods I will eat as soon as my body allows me to.

My sense of smell has quadrupled. The guys have been taking showers at the pack house before returning home. The first day I discovered my new found sense, I puked for ten minutes straight because they came home after training with the pack, sweaty.

The garbage can was moved outside because I could smell a banana peel, all the way from the kitchen, in my room. The maids come by to clean the house twice a day now after I gagged from the smell of urine that had been flushed down the toilet.

I honestly feel terrible. Everyone is having to adjust their lives because of me. They reassure me that it is not offensive to them, but you know I worry.

Ethan takes me on a morning walk, usually in my wolf form. It would be nice to run, but unfortunately I can't afford to expend my energy.

Mostly, I take naps, do a small amount of paperwork and lounge around the house. It's boring. Darius promised that once I could hold down nutrition we would get back to our normal activities. I can't wait.

The Weeping One (MXW)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang