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***Clarissa's POV***

I wanted to see Aubrey. I needed to fix this. I needed to apologize.

With the veil of my insecurities lifted, I had sifted thru all my interactions with Aubrey. I was wrong. I was so wrong.

Somehow, after everything Aubrey had been thru, she managed to be pure. I started feeling adoration for Aubrey. I started feeling honored that she wanted to be my friend.

I hope she will forgive me. I could understand if she didn't. But, I will never take Aubrey for granted again. She would be my Luna, My Queen.

I suddenly felt esteemed to be her second in command. An air of pride slipped around me like a fitted cloak. I would earn Aubrey's respect. I wanted Aubrey's benediction.

I drove to the castle, with hope they would let me explain.

I ran to the door and knocked.


I decided to walk to the gardens and wait.

Eventually everyone would return.

I saw her. She was laying on a blanket, in front of an angel statue.

Fitting I thought.

I ran to her and jumped upon her squealing her name.

***Aubrey's POV***

"Aubrey" someone squealed.

Instantly I felt the weight of a small body covering me.

"That's me" I quipped.

The body moved to sit beside me.

"Claire?" I asked astonished.

"I'm so sorry Aubrey, please forgive me?" Claire begged.

"I forgive you!" I kissed her cheek.

"Can we start over?" Clair asked quietly.

"No, but we can start from here." I clarified.

"I would like that." She smiled.

"What are you doing out here?" Claire asked.

"I'm visiting my angels." I confessed.

I had gotten the boys to bury my mom and my baby, Ellie in the gardens. They had made a beautiful memorial with a six foot angel that I could see from my balcony. I often spent time just talking to my angel mother and my sleeping child.

"Would you like to meet them?" I asked.

"I really would." Claire replied.

"Claire, this is my mom Ellen." I introduced while pointing to the left side of the grave.

"This is my sleeping angel Ellie." I pointed to the right."

"Aubrey thank you for sharing them with me. Although, I need to confess." Claire murmured.

"I'm here. You can tell me anything." Aubrey comforted me.

"I met with Persephone." Claire stated.

"She showed me your life." Claire continued.

"I wish you hadn't seen that." I whispered.

"I needed to. I really did." Claire admitted.

"No one should have to see that." I cried.

"No one should have to live that Aubrey. I was blinded by my own fears. I distrusted you and your intentions. I was wrong. I am apologizing to you because I was wrong. You are too good to be human. I'm sorry. Please give me a chance to be your friend." Claire pleaded.

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