"I need some help with Herbology, and I think you're the best person I could come too." America said. Germany blinked in surprise. "Maybe...you could come to my dormitory after school? My roommates are going to the pitch to play Quidditch so it'll be just us..." 

Russia walked out of his Potions class, along with his classmates Spain, North Korea and Finland. They were in the same team with a project to do, so they had to work together. Russia was talking with North Korea softly. 

It was pretty noticeable they created an aura about them, a pack of Slytherins walking together, people immediately made a path for them to walk through. 

Suddenly, Russia heard someone in the crowd wolf-whistle, and he looked up, curious. Some Gryffindor kid was pinning another shorter student to the hallway walls, talking softly with a smirk on his face, and no one was doing anything to stop them. 

Russia would have turned his head away as well, if he didn't noticed the dark blue Ravenclaw robe that looked a size too big on the smaller student, who wore glasses and was clutching his books to his chest with a look of wide confusion. Instantly a rush of anger flooded his soul, his eyes turning into orbs of flames, and he marched toward them, pushing pass other students who were in his way. 

"Hey!!" America yelled as a big Slytherin student pushed through between him and Germany, his broad shoulder shoving him away from the wall, and nearly sending him falling to the floor and get his body crushed by the feet of the other students. 

Germany felt a rush of relief as he caught sight of that familiar face, sagging in relief against the wall. He was starting to get really uncomfortable, thank god he was here. Russia smirked and placed a hand over the stack of book in his arms, before winking at him charmingly and walking quickly away, rejoining his group of friends.

America grumbled angrily as he regained his balance, his robe disheveled. "Watch where you're going, Slytherin!!" He yelled at Russia's retreating figure. He only got a glare from Spain, who raised his hand and gave him a rude gesture. Germany had to hide a smile.

"Slytherins." He muttered under his breath, before turning back to Germany with a smile, trying to keep as much of his dignity as possible. He was going to find that slytherin, how dare he push him that son of a b-

"America!!" Someone called from the end of the hall. It was Brazil and Chile, America's housemates. Brazil was waving, beckoning him over. 

America cleared his throat, and looked back at Germany. "So, do you think you could help me?" He ask, starting to move away. His friends probably shouldn't think that he was talking to Germany, it went against every Gryffindor rule, 'fraternising' with a snobby, arrogant Ravenclaw. But this Ravenclaw happened to be very very cute...

Germany smiled shyly and nodded. He also began to move away, towards the direction of his next class. America grinning brightly, looked like he wanted to say something else, but another call from his friends had him turning away quickly, yelling back to them.

Germany shook his head and walked away in the other direction. America was definitely blushing a lot today. He tried to push away the memory of him pinning him to the wall. He looked down at his book and saw a slip of paper that was not there before, and smiled. Russia was getting better at sleight of hand. 

The word 'gazebo' and a time '11:00 pm' was written in looping, black ink, Russia's handwriting. There was also a black little heart at the corner of the paper, drawn with careful strokes of the pen. Germany bit his lip to stop from grinning widely, and carefully pocketed the note in his robe.  

He tried not to skip or hum on the way to his class, the giddy butterflies in his stomach made it quite hard. 


Hmm what do you think? Give me some criticism I want to try and improve myself with all this free time-

I pray you don't put hate upon America he just happened to be useful in my story telling-

He's a great country believe me-  XDXD

Damn this AU is great for writing fluff. I can't think of much else to write for. However, I think you guys could tell me if you want something written, like angst prompts, or something that has more plot!! Give me some more ideas please!! I would love to see them and write them!

Thank you for reading and commenting, and of course voting!! Everything makes me feel so happy, so thank you!!

Stay safe everyone!! Make sure you are getting enough nutrients, like veggies and meat and fruit, not just junk food and snacks!! Remember to drink enough water too! And most importantly Do Not Leave The House! 

Bye! >:3 

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