Chapter 81

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Laura's POV

Today was the day I was visiting Anne's house to have my own fitting along with Gemma and Herself.

To say I was nervous was an understatement, I have never had a fitting before and really had no idea what was going to happen.

After Harry's fitting, he ended up eating me out on purpose so Britney would hear my moans. let's just say I was equally proud and embarrassed. The look on her face when we both came out was priceless.

The method worked as she left him alone for the rest of the fitting.

Harry kept his picked suit a secret but he mentioned to the stylist that will be helping me today to match with his.

"Alright I'm headed over to your mum's now I hope you're having a grand time"

I say amused knowing damn well he wasn't. Harry was called into work for a simple surgery and that left him annoyed but nonetheless he loves his job and i knew he would be alright.

"Yeah so much fun love, I wish it was you Here but then again I don't wish your CHF was back so its a good thing your not."

He chuckled and I smile as I grab my keys and wallet.

"Seems like yesterday when I was crushing on my sexy Doctor... I won't lie I miss those days... at least the good parts of them."

I add as I hear rustling in the background of the call.

"Hmmm good old days when we would make out in your hospital bed, you should visit me later and we could relive those memories."

I knew he was half-joking but deep down it really excites me.

"Maybe I will Dr. Styles"

I smirk in a teasing tone. I was finding this very fun to do.

"Fuck love, your gonna drive me insane"

He groans as I giggle into the phone. I have already reached my car as He sighs in the speaker.

"Well I have to go but I might take you up on that offer later... Love you"

I say, entering the driver's side and turning the keys into the ignition.

"Okay baby, Love you."

He replies and I hang up the phone before making my way over to Anne's.


"Laura! How are you darling?"

Anne's motherly voice yells out, giving me comfort.

"I'm well, yourself?"

I beam as she guides me inside. It was fairly hot today so the cool airconditioning was a blessing.

"Good love, The stylist got here not too long ago and she wants to do you first if that's alright?"

She explained and as the living room comes into view I spot Gemma and a few other people measuring her Waist and hips.

"Yeah okay... I'm not really sure what to do I haven't done this before."

I admit shamefully but Anne Pats my back and lets out a laugh.

"It's alright Laura they'll take care of you its nothing really"

She reassures me. I walk closer and Anne introduced me to the stylists and her other assistants. luckily they were all nice and understanding unlike the ordeal yesterday.

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