Chapter 26

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Laura's POV 

A week later...

Its been a week since the ordeal that happened at the cafe and I was doing considerably worse. I was walking home from finishing up Friday's night shift. My heart was beating like crazy and I have been having chest pains all day.

I open my door and drag myself inside placing my keys and phone on top of the counter. I immediately run a shower feeling gross, and sweaty.

when I finished I put on an old Def Leppard shirt along with some spandex and some black fuzzy socks. 

I skip dinner and just decided to head to bed. I lay on my bed feeling my sore muscles ache. It didn't take long before I was fast asleep.   

2 am...

I suddenly wake up to a sharp pain in my chest. I groan in pain rubbing at my chest but it wouldn't go away. It was hard to breathe it felt like a giant weight was on my chest. I feel the panic starts to set in and I don't know what to do. Without thinking I get up to grab my phone calling the first person that came to mind, Sarah.

she didn't answer and I felt myself hovering over Harry's number. I press the call button with shaky hands and it rings a couple of times before I hear a sleepy hoarse voice


My heart speeds up instantly regretting calling him


I say in a small voice and I hear rustling through the phone. 

"Laura? is that you? what's wrong?"

He asked and I feel myself become overwhelmed. 

"M-my chest"

I breathe out and I hear someone moving through the phone. 

"Alright, I'm on my way just please stay where you are. deep breaths love"

He says gently and I feel my face heat up. 

"I'm sorry"

Feeling stupid for making him come all the way here this late. 

"Laura you're fine stop apologizing I'll help you no matter what ill see you in a bit"

He replies 

"Alright thank you"

I hear him hang up and I pull my knees to my chest.

Oh God, what have I done?

Harry's POV

I rush and get dressed putting on a grey sweater with a pair of black jeans, Adding a black beanie to my messy curls. After putting my shoes on I grab my keys and phone and head out of my apartment. 

When I get in my car I turn the keys into the ignition and made my way over to Laura's apartment. 

When I arrive, I get out of the car grabbing my spare stethoscope. I walk to her door-knocking twice. I hear footsteps and the door opened.  

Laura looked distressed and tired. I felt my heart clench as she looked like she was crying. 

"Oh darling"

I whisper and she moves aside for me to come in. When I walk in her apartment was dark only lit up by some hanging decorative lights. She smelled of fresh lavender with a hint of vanilla. She was shaking and her breathing was heavy. 

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