Chapter 44

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Laura's POV

I return to work ignoring the painful feeling in my heart right now. I was still very upset over Harry but I decided now wasn't the best time to fret over it. As much as I wanted to go in the back and cry I knew it was my job right now to help my coworkers.

"Um excuse me?"

I hear the customer say and I snap out of my thoughts looking at her irritated face.

"My apologies I wasn't paying attention"

I fret and she seems to calm a little before Ordering for the second time. I sigh as i place her order into the system. I saw Louis in the corner of my eye staring me down. I try to ignore it but he moves closer.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

He asks and I look into his worried blue eyes. I blush, pulling the order from the printer handing it over to Louis.

"Never been better!"

I lie, quickly avoiding the conversation by walking away. I sighed walking over to Niall who was currently trying to impress a girl by juggling bottles of coffee syrup.

"Niall, You better not drop those!"

Liam scolded and I smile rooting for his confidence. Niall winked at me as he handed the pretty girl her coffee. She looked amused but walked away straight after.

"Better luck next time"

I beam and he sighs pulling me to him. He spins me in a circle leaving me in shock as he tries to get me to dance.

"Come on Laura! Dance the stress away with me!"

He yells singing along to the cheesy Christmas music playing. I assumed Liam told everyone I was upset because of this kind of babying treatment I was receiving. Which I was very thankful for don't get me wrong but the last thing I needed was for everyone to feel pity for me.

The comfort I was feeling was overwhelming, and I felt myself breakdown. Niall freezes holding my hands as I sob harshly. The room seemed to go completely silent and Liam stares at me worriedly.


Niall says gently pulling me into a hug.

"Shhhh You're alright"

He whispers swaying me gently with him. I feel more embarrassed mumbling apologies over and over again. As he guides me to the back Louis worriedly asked what happened but Niall waved him off and I went into Eleanor's office.

I was then sent home for the rest of the night despite my protests.

Oh this was gonna be a long week


It was finally Friday and this week has drained me completely. Sleep was taken from me most nights. Working somewhat distracted me but everyone kept treating me as if I would break any minute.

"You ready to get wasted tonight?!"

Niall shouts in my ear clearing all my thoughts. I snort looking at him. He was smiling brightly at me before returning to making drinks. I sighed realizing I would have to face Sarah tonight. I was avoiding her calls and hid whenever she came to visit Liam.

It was 20 minutes before our shifts ended and I couldn't help but feel a sick feeling in my stomach.



I was pacing back and forth in front of my apartment door, as I wait for Niall to pick me up. I decided to wear comfortable tonight as I put on a pair of light wash denim ripped jeans, A simple white tank top paired with a grey knit cardigan.

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