Chapter 3

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Harry's POV:

   I was halfway done with my Valve repair on a patient when my assigned resident Sarah came into the room. It has been a few hours since I ran the tests on Laura I knew that she was here to update me. I gave the images to Sarah to see how she would evaluate them. She was a smart individual and I wanted to see just how much she could find.


I say and she gave me a familiar look. I knew it wasn't going to be good news.

"She has CHF (Congestive heart failure)"

Sarah said. I pause, looking up into her eyes for confirmation,

"Are you sure?"

I ask knowing well enough she's right. Sarah nodded and I sighed 

"don't tell her yet wait until I'm done with this surgery... give her a dose of valsartan keep an eye on her" 

I order Sarah and she turns to exit the O.R.  I felt my heart sink knowing I have to tell a 20-year-old she has CHF. Laura was a sweet girl, she was too pure to deserve such a horrible disease. 

I finished up my valve repair and scrubbed out. walking down to my office, where on top of my desk was Laura's files. I look them over and double-check the MRI  seeing exactly why she has CHF. Her heart was larger than a normal heart should be. the image also has shown some signs of pleural fluid. from the looks of it, it was going to be a long battle but I know I will be able to fix her...

    Laura's POV:

  It had been a few hours since I went to the MRI room, Harry had gone into surgery and told me he would evaluate my MRI after. 

In the meantime, Sarah and I have been hanging out in my hospital room for the past hour. Sarah was studying for her upcoming surgery. she had told me how she is in her first year of residency and she plans to become a cardiothoracic surgeon like Harry. She said at first she wanted to become a General surgeon but when she first saw Harry perform in the OR she fell in love with hearts. 

While she was studied, I was watching an old sitcom that was currently playing on the t.v. I didn't really pay too much attention to it as I stare out the window at the people passing by.

 before I knew it Harry was walking in the room with a serious look on his face, Sarah immediately got up from the chair beside my bed and turned the television down. I noticed Harry was carrying a folder as he walked over to the end of my bed. he set it down on the table before walking over to the side of my bed.

"so I looked over your MRI and blood samples..." 

he said in a neutral tone looking into my eyes with almost no emotion. My heart starts to race because he wasn't smiling at me like he always does, and I could see Sarah tense up in the background. 

"When I evaluated your results it was showing signs of Congestive Heart Failure,"

 he explained calmly. My heart felt as if it had stopped right then and there, my eyes filled with tears as I start to hyperventilate. 


I stuttered they both look at me sympathetically but I couldn't comprehend what was happening, my breathing started to increase and I just start full-on sobbing. I hide my face in my hands. Harry tried to pull my hands away from my face and calm me down while Sarah was on the other side of my bed rubbing my back, trying to comfort me but at that moment nothing could comfort me... all I could think was 

Why me?   

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