Chapter 66

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Lauras POV 

"You little bitch! I fucking told you to stay by the swings!"

My mother's angry voice yells. I had run off to look at the wildflowers by the pond in the empty playground. She had told me to stay by the swing set while she went and did something. I knew she was going to buy drugs. She met with this guy every Sunday.

She must've been pissed because he didn't show, and when my mother didn't get her drugs she was an angry banshee.

"I just wanted to see the flowers mommy. I made you a bouquet"

I felt a searing pain across my cheek as my mother slaps me harshly. The little bouquet I made fell to the ground as my mother stomps on it.

"I don't give a shit about your stupid ass flowers Laura now get in the car before I leave you here"

She angrily seethes and I felt hot tears running down my face. I don't even look up as I walk to the car.

"Why can't you just listen when I tell you something you worthless brat"

I shoot up in bed nearly falling off as I feel the tears streaming down my face. I look around seeing Harry sleeping soundly next to me. I untangle myself from his arms gently, trying not to wake him up. It was still early, the clock read 2:30 am.

My breathing was ragged as chills run down my back. I grab the beach dress pulling it over my bare body. I haven't dreamed of my mother for a while now. I have no idea why all of a sudden they were returning.

I walk downstairs into the kitchen as my mouth became very dry. I go to open the fridge and notice my trembling hands.

I shake it off pulling a water bottle out and opening it. I chug nearly half the bottle before making my way to the bar stools by the kitchen. There was a long counter facing the kitchen that was as tall as a bar.

I place myself on one of the stools, setting my water down. I wipe my hands over my face as I try and comprehend the vivid dream that felt so real. I hated these memories, I wish I could just forget them completely but somehow they keep coming up.

I hold my head in my head. I fight back the tears as the dream still haunts me.


I hear Harry mumble in a tired tone and I flinch seeing his dark figure a couple of feet away. He was walking up to me slowly, wiping his eyes. He had put on a pair of boxers but other than that, he was completely bare.

I stay silent as he observes my face. I feel his hands moving up my back softly and I have to say, it calmed me down.

"What's wrong love?"

He asks hoarsely and I shake my head.

"Nothing I'm fine, I just had a bad dream."

I say and he kissed my shoulder as his hand rubs circles in my back.

"You wanna talk about it?"

He says and I move my head to my hands again. As I stared numbly at the counter he placed himself in the stool next to mine. I slightly turn my head, looking at his worried hooded eyes.

"It was just something about my mother, I haven't had one in a while so I kind of freaked out I guess"

I say and he listens intently before taking one of my hands.

"She was just a cruel woman, I don't get how someone could ever treat their child like she did with me"

I add feeling the frustration of my mother's flaws. It didn't make any sense, I wasn't a problem child, I never acted out. I was a quiet kid with big dreams that were crushed by my awful mother.

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