Chapter 23

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Harry's POV

I slam my office door closed and lean against it. 


I hated myself for what i just did but i knew it would set boundaries for me and Laura. 

I was too harsh though her face looked defeated and she was upset with me. I place my head in my hands and grip my curls. I feel a heavyweight of guilt in my chest. 

I couldn't get her shocked face out of my head. 

Fuck this... 

I get up and slam her chart on my desk paging Sarah to my office. I grab all my things such as my coat, wallet, and keys. 

Sarah came in looking disheveled as if she had just woke up but i could care less at this point i was frustrated and over this hospital. 

"I'm going home if anything drastically changes let me know i don't know when ill be back"

I huff handing her Laura's chart 

She grabs it looking at me with a look 

"What happ-"

i cut her off 


i seethe Giving her a dirty look not feeling like explaining anything. 

I then leave my office and made my way out of the hospital. 

I get into my blacked-out Range rover and turn the keys into the ignition, letting the rolling stones play in the background as i pulled out of the parking lot. 

I lived fairly close to the Hospital knowing most days I'm on call. My apartment was about a 10-minute drive from the hospital.

As i pull into the familiar parking garage i sigh in relief as i made my way to the elevator. 

I had been at the hospital for many days now sleeping in the on-call room or in my office. I felt overwhelmed with everything on so i decided to come home and try to get a decent amount of sleep. 

as i unlock my door and turn on the lights my apartment looks how it did when i left. 

I throw everything on the counter and make my way into my bedroom pulling my scrubs off my body until I'm down to my boxers. 

I turn the shower to the hottest setting and look in the mirror. My eyes were dark from the immense lack of sleep I've gotten in the past 4 days and my skin looked pale and dull.

I look away and pull the rest of my clothing off stepping into the steaming shower. As i walk under the water i feel my muscles relax and my body feels warm again. I lean my head into the water getting lost in thought. I stay like that for a while before washing my body and hair. when i rinse everything out i step out wrapping myself in a town ruffling my hair. I enter my closet pulling out some new boxers and i put them on grabbing an old Journey t-shirt. 

I sigh feeling myself become very sleepy as i enter my bed. As soon as i hit the pillow I'm knocked out. 

The next morning...

I stir in the bed feeling the warmth of the sun hitting my face. 

looking over at my alarm clock seeing it was 9:30 am, I look up at the ceiling rubbing my eyes.

A deep pressure in my chest was constricting my breathing and i find myself sitting up.

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