Chapter 35

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Third-person POV

January 30th...

Laura was for once, improving on her mood and overall well being. Granted, she had her bad days still, but nonetheless, Harry was a very vital component in her recovery. She only asked for him and occasionally Sarah, whenever she felt like she needed a 'girl talk'.

Harry visited almost every second he wasn't busy. Ever since the subtle and sweet revelation between the pair they have been inseparable. Harry craved her attention as did she.

Late nights in the O.R. made Harry restless, He was working himself to the bone wanting an excuse to stay at the hospital. Laura became sicker by day, Her overall health was at an all-time low. She felt cold and numb, Her hoarse coughs now filled her quiet room most of the day. Ragged breathing was a new permanent trait, she had forgotten what it was like to breathe normally. Even some days she was delirious, She blamed it on her 'dizziness' but in reality, she wasn't going to last much longer.

Worst of all Harry knew that. He pushed it out of his head not wanting to think of that possibility. But deep down he knew if she didn't get another heart within the next month, She wouldn't last the end of February.

Finding another heart within this time frame was very small. Harry now doubled the number of calls with UNOS. He was beyond pissed at them from what happened the first time, they tried to explain but Harry told them off saying they were full of shit.

Kendall decided to stick around to see how the case went but she barely saw Laura. She was also pissed about UNOS and very much at that dickhead that caused this whole mess.

Everyone was working hard to try and find her a heart but days turned into weeks and the clock was ticking...

Laura's POV

January 30th...

I sighed as I waited for Amanda, we met every day and talked. Ever since my little outburst, I was assigned a Psychiatrist. I think it was probably because I felt very depressed and wanted to die. I felt tired of all my treatments that lead to nothing. I didn't want to fight anymore.

Things definitely got better ever since I finally told Harry about my feelings. I was shocked i even had the guts to tell him but at the moment I felt I needed to defuse the tension. I was even more shocked when he told me it back.

"I love you too"

His deep voice played through my mind, sending a shiver down my back. We had made up that night and talked over everything. I didn't know how to feel when he told me the heart I was supposed to get was 'stolen.'

He told me I deserved the heart but some asshole took it from me because his patient was 'in a worse condition.'

I knew something like this would happen to me, it's just how life treats me.

I was cut out of my thoughts as I hear the click of the door. Amanda smiled at me as she walked to her usual chair, folder in hands.

"Well hello"

she beams making herself comfortable. I stay silent as my mood today was very sorrowful. She knew when I didn't talk much I wasn't doing well. Even though she knew she still asked

"How are we feeling today?"

I pondered for a moment trying to think of a valid answer to her question.

"i... I feel empty today"

I admit and she observes my face intently.

"Is there any reason for that? Have you seen Harry today?"

She questions and I go silent. She made Harry visit as much as possible after seeing how he made me feel. I haven't seen him today and I don't feel like he was really the main reason why I felt like this.

"I dunno I just felt like that when I woke up, I don't really know why"

I mumble picking at my fingernails. She wrote some notes down while I was in my own little world.

After many pointless questions, I felt even more lost by the end of our appointment. Some days were just like that though. She said she would try and get ahold of Harry but I told her it was fine, I didn't want to bother him. She asked me if something had happened but i denied it. I knew he was busy and i didnt really feel good about bothering him with my emotional rollercoaster.

Despite my denial she ended up calling him anyway because within 20 minutes he was poking his head through the door. I managed a small smile as he made his way over to me.

He looked stressed, and tired. But even then he gave me a big smile.

"Heard my lovely lady was feeling down"

He says pulling me into a hug and I gripped him harder than normal. I breathed in his deep pine smell feeling my body relax.

I held onto him for a couple minutes and he kissed my temple gently.

"M'sorry I know you're busy"

I intervene and he laughs.

"Relax love, I'm not that busy even if I was I'd still come see you."

He admits and I feel my chest fill with warmth. He sits next to me pulling his arm around my waist. I lean my head on his shoulder while pulling my legs to my chest.

"Wanna talk about it?"

He asked pulling me closer to him.

"I just need you"

I confess gripping my legs tightly. He moves his hands to my hair stroking it lightly. I sigh in content as he talks about his day. I felt my eyelids dropping by the time he's finished. Before I could fall asleep his pager goes off and he sighs.

"I'm sorry love I have to go, please don't hesitate to page me when you feel like this."

He said rushing to the door but before he left he gave me a tender kiss promising he'll return.

I was left in silence again.

Harry's POV
A few hours later...

I was pulled into a heart valve repair which took longer than expected. When we finished I pulled Sarah with me to go back to see Laura. I know she was feeling bad today so I thought bringing Sarah along would make her feel better.

but when we got there Laura was sleeping soundly. I move to her admiring her calm sleeping face. She looked at peace.

I kissed her forehead as I pull the covers over her. Sarah stood behind me observing us quietly.

Sarah knew about our little confession and freaked out when I told her.

She claimed it was the best thing that could happen to Laura.

"You know she's had love for you from the start"

She whispered as we sat in the corner of the room working on some paperwork.

I look up at her and she was smiling at Laura from across the room.

"She actually wanted to tell you that one day, when you guys went on a walk"

She admits and it tugs at my heart strings. I suddenly remember that night she was upset, was that because of me?

"Wait was that why-?"

I cut myself off seeing Sarah's reaction. I place my head in my hands feeling an immense amount of guilt pour through my body.

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