Chapter 50

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Chapter 50!!! wow, I can definitely say we have come a long way since the beginning of Pulse! I am so overwhelmed with the amount of support you guys have given me and I'm so grateful! I love you guys and i hope you enjoy this chapter, I made it extra special and long. 

With love 


Laura's POV
A few weeks later...


I jolt up in bed gasping for air as I wake from the oddly surreal pain in my chest. I startle Sarah who spent the night looking after me.

"What's wrong? are you alright?"

She frets as I clutch my chest feeling the sweat drip down my whole body.

"Just a-a bad dream"

I stutter and she gives me a sympathetic look before taking my hands in hers.

"That's the fourth one this week Laura"

She says and I avoid her gaze.

"Have you been talking to your therapist?"

She adds and I nod my head slowly squeezing her hand. Ever since the day Harry admitted that he didn't love me anymore I have been in a constant loop of chaos.

The first couple of nights I didn't sleep, I just stared at the ceiling asking myself what was wrong with me.

Then as the days grew to weeks I found myself having these terrible nightmares about the hospital and dying.

I haven't seen Harry since that day and maybe that was for the best but what I do know is ever since. I have been completely broken and damaged on the inside.

Sarah was a big help in all of this, she stayed with me most nights now because the thought of being alone really makes me feel anxious.

"I really miss him"

I mumble and Sarah sighs before leaning against my headboard with me.

"I know you do"

The numbness is the only feeling I get now when I think of Harry. The pain was all too much to bear and I've basically cried all my tears out by now.

"How is he?"

I ask curiously and Sarah meets with my eyes as if she were saying 'why do you care?'


She starts and I could tell it was a bad idea for asking.

"I know sorry, I won't ask I know he wants nothing to do with me"

Sarah wraps her arms around my shoulders and I lean my head against hers.

"Harry is just being a confused dickhead, I'm sure he'll come back around"

She soothes and I hum pulling the covers over us and she pats my legs.


The next morning I wake up to Sarah's pager going off and I groan pulling my pillow over my ears.

Pulse || Harry StylesNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ