Chapter 13

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Laura's POV:

I woke up the next morning with butterflies in my stomach.

My chest was heavy with anxiety. but nonetheless, I still couldn't stop smiling. I was excited for tonight, Harry hasn't left my mind once since he left.

The door burst open with an overexcited Sarah with a duffle bag in her hand. Her hair was in her usual bun as she beamed at me brightly, She was happy this morning...

"Good morning Laura! How you feeling"

she said loudly with a big smile on her face.

"Good what about you"

I said softly wondering what was in the bag.

"oh you know... amazing"

she laughed as she set the duffle bag on my bed. I furrow my brow, afraid to see what was in it.

"What's in the bag?"

I ask curiously, Sarah smirked, and gestured me to open the bag. I slowly unzip the bag hesitantly, I let out a small gasp as I pull out a white lace dress. I look towards Sarah and she was smiling really hard.

"It's for your little date tonight!"

She yelled clapping her hands. I felt warmth in my chest and felt tears coming to my eyes. No one has ever done anything like this for me... It was heartwarming.

"You shouldn't have... How much? I'll pay you back"

I said, feeling guilty that she wasted her money on me. She walked over to me and gave me a hug.

"You don't need to pay me back this is my gift to you. we have to blow Harry's socks off with your looks, so ill be styling you."

She whispered in my ear and I held her tightly feeling very grateful for her surprise. The dress was so beautiful and simple. I blushed thinking of what Harry would think about it.

"Are you gonna tell him?"

Sarah asked softly giving me a look.

I nodded my head feeling my face heat up more and my breathing becomes ragged.

"Okay well I have to do some paperwork and one small procedure but I'll be back in time to get you all glammed up for your date."

Sarah winked as she grabbed all the stuff setting it in the bathroom where Harry couldn't see. She then walked out of the room, leaving me all alone to my thoughts.

I sighed as the room filled with silence.


The next couple of hours felt as if it had been days. my mind was racing with anxiety as my doubts become more and more persistent. confessing my feelings to the doctor that's trying to save my life was a big deal, It could really affect the relationship we have. As to what our relationship was... I don't really have a valid answer. I'd like to think we are friends but who am I kidding? Harry is just a kind soul who takes care of an unstable patient.

I felt as if I was being a little unrealistic, the possibility of Harry liking me back was very slim but I still had a gut feeling that I must do this. I know I'll regret it if I don't though.

My emotions-like always- got the best of me and I start to overthink and panic. The tears come in my eyes as my breathing becomes rapid. I needed to calm down if I was going to get through this.

As if it could get any worse Sarah walks in the room.

She looks at me and gives me with bewilderment and rushes over to me.

"are you alright? what's wrong?"

she asked me while rubbing my back and I felt myself give in and start to break down. All the fears for today were coming out, all the pent up stress and anxiety.

"i-i'm sorry I just fee-el so insecure and pathetic."

I sob into Sarah's shoulder she pulls me back so we can look at each other. She wiped my tears and gave me a small smile.

"Stop, you are perfect and you are a beautiful smart young girl, you got to have confidence in yourself. you're not pathetic you are going to be fine and you will have a good time."

she calmly told me. Her words calmed me a bit but I still was feeling slightly lost on what to do. I have never been confident enough to have a relationship with someone, let alone admit to my feelings. It was something I never talked about because as a kid, feelings meant nothing in my house. My mother taught me that I was unloveable, that I would never obtain love and I believed her...

"Alright, you ready to get ready?"

she asked I wiped my eyes and took a deep breath


The next hour and a half Sarah helped me straighten my hair and put light makeup on. She also helped me get into my dress and shoes and walked me back into bed so I could relax a little. I was feeling much more confident after glowing myself up a little bit, it was thanks to Sarah because I couldn't have done it without her. I only hoped Harry would like it.

She smiled at me

"you look amazing"

"thanks to you of course"

I blushed. Sarah laughed and gave me a look.

"so are you ready to confess your feelings to Mr. Styles"

she joked but was being serious also.

"I think so"

I say nervously, and at that moment he walked in...

Pulse || Harry StylesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora