Chapter 51

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Third-person POV

Life went on for Laura and Harry, even though they both were caught deep in a dark depression. Nothing was the same anymore...

Harry went about his days barely speaking with anyone other than patients which he faked his smile and laughs. Laura did the same, asking Eleanor if she could work in the back and do some paperwork instead of her normal waitressing job.

Laura's burns have healed and lucky for her there was no significant scarring. She had anxiety about working sometimes but she mainly felt numb.

She went back to her normal routine of working, going home, sleeping, and repeat. She skipped out on the usual Friday get-togethers as she felt her world felt meaningless and she never had fun. Everyone would push and push for her to talk but she wouldn't budge letting them know she was 'alright'.

Sarah tried her best to deal with both Laura and Harry but it was hard. She could only really be there for support and they were both emotionally unstable. She only told Liam about what happened and He was pissed to say nonetheless he stayed quiet, trying his best to help Laura on her bad days.

Taylor knew something that happened that day but decided to stay quiet and be there for Harry. She knew he had changed because he was sad on most days and never wanted to talk like he used to. He would snap at her for no reason some mornings due to his lack of sleep and stress, then would proceed to apologize and break down.

They haven't seen each other since that day and they both knew they probably would never see each other again.

For them, they thought their story was over but it was only getting started.


Laura's POV

February 17th...

"where are we going?"

I ask Sarah who was pulling fancy dresses from my closet and looking over them before adding small accessories to them. She had repeatedly knocked on my door before I answered with regret after she told me we were going somewhere, but to where that was I had no idea because she refused to tell me.

"Somewhere fun, trust me it will be fine" 

She says as she starts looking through my shoes. I had taken a few days off to cool my head, I also didn't want any attention today due to the fact that it was my birthday and I have never had a good one so I tend to hate them. I knew Sarah knew and everyone else so I was assuming she was trying to take me out for my birthday and I really didn't want to.

"I really don't feel like going out, I'm not in the mood"

I huff as I sit down on my bed, pulling my knees up to my chest. Sarah glares at me before going back to rearranging my clothing.

"Come on it won't be bad I swear I know you've been feeling down I just want to take you out to relax and have some fun."

She whines and I sigh resting my head in my hand as I watch her fumble with different dresses and shoes.

"What if I don't like it?"

I ask and she pauses before smiling.

"If you get uncomfortable and end up hating it then I'll take you home"

She says honestly and I raise my brows.


I ask and she winks

"I promise"


I give in and she jumps up and down excitedly

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