Chapter 62

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Laura's POV 

As we walk downstairs the aroma of fresh spices being baked fill my nose. My mouth waters as the closer we get the stronger the smell becomes.

"It smells good mum"

Harry says as we walk to the dining room table. Anne has already set the table, there were fancy white glasses plates with candles lit in the middle.

"Well, Laura helped me cook!"

She beams and Harry pulls me by the waist.

"It smells good love"

He whispered in my ear and I blush. He pulls a chair open for me and I plant myself down, thanking him.

"Thank you"

I mumble, Anne had already made us plates and they were sat in front of us.

The food was still steaming. Anne day next to me as Harry did as well.

"I hope this is okay, I didn't have much food left"

Anne says and I give her a reassuring smile.

"It's perfect"

I reply and Harry moves his hand on my thigh. I blush as his hands felt hot. My stomach fills with sparks, I feel lightheaded as he strokes higher.

"Let's say a prayer"

She says and lifts her hand up to grab mine. I place my hand on top of Harry's hand that was on my thigh.

"Dear Lord thank you for this lovely meal tonight, even though I nearly burned the Brussels sprouts..."

She starts and I couldn't help but laugh softly.

"I wish the best for Laura and her new adventures as a co-owner. I pray that we are all given happiness and good fortune... Amen."

My heart feels warm and I smile at her as we lift our heads.


I whisper.

We dig in and I sigh in relief as I seasoned the chicken perfectly. Anne Brussels sprouts were absolute divine, most people don't know how to get rid of the bitter taste but these were perfect.

"Oh my gosh! You have to tell me how you seasoned this"

Anne yells excitedly.

As I explain to her how I seasoned the chicken, Harry pinches the inner part of my thigh and I squeeze my knees together. I could feel the pressure build in between my thighs and I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding.

The rest of the dinner he continued to tease me. From gripping my thighs to placing his hand on my bottom. I was melting, he made me feel so aroused from some simple touching. The air was thick and it became more and more difficult to focus on Anne's stories.

"Are you alright dear? Your lookout of it"

Anne suddenly says and I snap out of it.

"You look red? Are you feeling alright"

She adds and places her hand on my forehead. I was super embarrassed because I felt perfectly fine. It was just her unbearably hot son that was bothering me.

"You're burning up! Maybe I pushed you too hard"

She continues to ramble and I feel almost guilty for making her feel worried.

"I'm fine, really"

I try to say but she shakes her head.

"Why don't you go upstairs and maybe take a hot shower or bath? I'll make you some tea?"

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