Chapter 8

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Harry's POV:

after I stabilize Laura, I grab Sarah's arm and pull her out of the room. I try to calm myself but I was very pissed off. Sarah knew better than this! 

"What the hell was that!?"

I scream at Sarah but she was just staring at me frozen. she wasn't moving or saying anything and I've never seen her react like this, she was known for keeping her composure in hard situations.

"you realize any longer and she could have crashed!"

Sarah flinches and starts breathing hard. Everyone around us was giving us confused glances but I paid no attention to them.

"I-i... don't know what happened I just... was shocked with her reaction"

Sarah shakily replied and I sigh in sympathy because I knew Sarah had a soft spot for Laura as did I. I run my hands through my hair feeling stressed about the whole situation.

"you're in the pit until you prove to me you good enough to come back"

I say with a soft but firm tone. Sarah looks at me with a shocked face I glare at her and she stands down.


She whispered walking away. I had a huge headache now and I huffed in annoyance because Laura keeps getting worse... and fast. I try to think of a plan but before I could a nurse from Laura's room came out. She came over to me.

"She's up but barely"

Laura's POV:

I feel myself slowly waking up, my whole body was numb and my head was pounding. Almost as if a giant weight was holding me down, I look around but only saw an unfamiliar nurse, Harry or Sarah was nowhere in sight. It made me feel sad that they weren't here they were probably annoyed that I flipped out again. I feel myself become overwhelmed with emotions. I felt the hot tears fall down my cheeks.

The nurse had walked out and I found myself alone thinking about how everything went wrong. I stare at the ceiling letting myself cry. I really needed to get ahold of myself if I was going to get through this. I realize it a pretty traumatic experience but crying isn't going to get me anywhere. 

I take a deep breath and wipe my tears as I think of the positive things. Before long I hear the door opening. I freeze and try my best to not look as if I was crying because I knew it was Harry. 

I felt someone sit on the side of my bed I open my eyes and were met with green orbs, we sat there staring at each other for a while before he gently wiped the remainder of my tears from my face.

"How are you feeling"

he asked gently

I open my mouth to reply but I could barely speak without sounding like a broken-down car.

"not good huh"

he said with a small smile and I stare at him with such pain. I shyly grab his hand and he starts to gently rub his thumb in circles around the side of my hand.

"I have something that might improve your condition, Its called a cardioverter-defibrillator. It is a simple surgery that implants this device into your chest that will keep your irregular heartbeat intact. I think it would help you immensely."

He said calmly after a while, I look up at him and squeeze his hand. 


 I whispered I trusted Harry as my surgeon with anything, He has proven to handle my bad situations well and I couldn't deny his request.

"It will also keep you more stable until your up on the transplant list." 

He added and I nod my head before feeling really sleepy. My body felt like a thousand weights were pushing me down and my eye droops downward. 

"I think i-im Gonna pass out"

I tiredly say and Harry chuckles slightly. 

"It's alright love, it's just your sedative. Get some rest we'll take more about this when you awake"

That was the last thing I heard before my mind was overcome with sleep.

Sarah's POV:   

  I was overworking myself in the pit because I was trying to distract myself from what happened today. I could help but feel attached to Laura she was so young and innocent, so kind and gentle. But she Has stage 3 CHF that continues to crash and I don't know how long she has. It hurts me to see her in so much pain from being alone and lost. That's why Harry and I have been spending a lot more time with her because we want her to know she's not alone and she has me and Harry to support her.

I think I froze today because she had freaked out and given up... she was doing so well and then she wasn't.

I don't blame Harry for punishing me I mean I've never freaked out like this.

It had been about 5 hours and Barabra told me to go do something else or take a break because I've been overworking so I found myself going to Laura's room.

When I walked in I noticed Harry was there working on some paperwork at the end of Laura's bed. Laura was sleeping and I found myself smiling at Harry knowing she was his comfort. He glared at me but not his mad glare his playful glare.

I walk over to the side of Laura's bed and sat in the sitting chair sighing in relief because my feet were killing me.

"How is she"

I whispered softly so she wouldn't wake up

"She was crying and couldn't talk but I think she's better than she was this morning"

he replied but I could hear the stress and concern in his voice

"I told her I wanted to do an ICD procedure"

"Okay that sounds good but will that be enough? We don't know how long the transplant list will take" 

I ask curiously and Harry lets out a long sigh.

"I know but it's all we can really do right now"

He pinched the bridge of his nose and I furrow my brows looking between Laura's peaceful sleeping figure and Harry's distressed face. 

"She admires you, y'know"

I said knowing it would make him feel better. I let out a playful smirk as he looked at me weirdly. 

"what are you trying to imply"

he asked while giving me a look

"I think she has a crush on you Styles"

I giggle, knowing for a fact she does because she told me. Harry let out a small laugh and smiled as if I were joking.

"Sarah you should know we don't have relationships with patients, now forget it."

He says sternly with a hint of sarcasm. I couldn't help but feel bad for her though...

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