Chapter 31

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Laura's POV

December 15th...

Today was the day, Harry was leaving the hospital to go home for Christmas. I still haven't given Him his gift and I was feeling nervous about it. Sarah and Harry were currently discussing my medical plan for when he leaves. I had already been enlightened about it so I toned them out staring at the black gift bag on the bedside table. 

"Hello, earth to Laura?"

A hand waved in my face and I turn seeing Sarah's goofy smile. 

"Sorry what?"

I say confused about what they were talking about. She laughs and sits in the chair by my bed.

"I was saying I would take great care of you."

She gleamed and Harry rolled his eyes sitting on his usual spot. Things were going great ever since that one night we talked. I felt so giddy inside when I think about it. 

I reach over grabbing the bag and Sarah and Harry look at me curiously. I blush feeling awkward about the gift but nonetheless I pull the wrapped gift boxes out and look at them both. 

"I bought you a gift"

I mention and they both look at each other then back at me. 

"You shouldn't have!" 

They exclaim at the same time making me giggle. 

"I know but I wanted to thank you guys for always being there for me"

I admit and they smile brightly at me. I hand them each a box and they rip the paper away opening the box slowly. Their faces were priceless, Sarah's jaw dropped as she gasped loudly and Harry had a shocked face. He looks at me and I smile holding my hand up showing off our matching rings and his Jaw drops. Sarah noticed it too squealing loudly stomping her feet excitedly. 


She screams crashing into me hugging me tightly. I wrap my hands around her as she rocks back and forth. She pulls away placing it on her ring finger and it fits perfectly Harry did the same and his fit as well. He smiles and gets up, He hugs me tightly. 

"I love it thank you so much, I feel bad I didn't get you anything."   

He states and I shush him

"Oh no don't feel bad, I don't need a gift"   

I laugh and he kisses my cheek.

"Really thank you love"

He gleams and I grab his right hand observing the rose ring on his ring finger. It looked way better than I thought and I feel myself screaming on the inside. 

"Glad you guys like it."

Harry was getting ready to leave and I didn't know how I felt. On one end I felt that he deserved this vacation and it would be good for him to finally get some decent sleep and relax. But on the other hand, I wanted him to stay and cuddle me why we watch stupid Christmas movies with a giant cup of hot chocolate. 

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and Harry looked over at me. 

"You okay?"

He asked and I look up nodding my head.

"Yeah I'm fine"

I lie and he seems to buy it not asking any further. 

He comes over sitting next to me. 

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