Chapter 67

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Harry's POV 

Ring ring...


I groan as my phone rings loudly in my ears. It was to damn early for this. I squint my eyes looking at the screen.

It was Sarah...


I say annoyed, looking back at my phone seeing it was 12:30 pm.

Okay, maybe it wasn't early.

"Where the hell have you been?! I've been trying to call you and find you! Did you disappear off the face of the earth?!"

She screams making my head pound.

"I'm somewhere"

I remark and I don't have to see her to know she was rolling her eyes. Laura was stirring awake and looking up at me with curious hooded eyes.

"Who is that?"

She questions in her cute morning voice. I look down at her fondly before Sarah was bombarding me with questions.

"Who was that? Oh my god Harry can't you just stick with one person"

She says in a disgusted tone and it was my turn to roll my eyes.

"Sarah shut the hell up what I do is my business anyway. If you must know it's Laura."

I huff out and Laura was furrowing her brows at me. I look down at her giving her a smile.


She says in disbelief and I could care less as I stare at Laura's beautiful face. She was trying to listen to the phone call and I put it on speaker.

"Let me talk with her, she hasn't been answering me"

Sarah's voice plays out and I look down at Laura's unsure eyes. Before I could tell Sarah anything Laura speaks.

"I'm right here"

She squeaks, tugging at my arm.

"Laura! My god I haven't heard from you in so long!"

She starts but Laura stayed quiet, a silent battle going on behind her eyes. I knew they haven't talked since the ordeal that happened in the gallery. I also knew Sarah didn't mean it, she has been trying to apologize to Laura since it happened.

"Look, I know what I said was cruel and totally out of hand. I was just frustrated about everything. I never meant to hurt you and I'm truly sorry."

Sarah confessed and I almost felt bad for being in their vulnerable conversation. Laura looked absolutely torn, her features turned downward. She lets out a deep breath.

"I was really hurt by your comment... I thought you were my best friend."

She chokes, my heart nearly drops when she begins to cry. Now that I think about it Laura doesn't have many close friends and she and Sarah really did get along together. They would always hang out whenever Laura was stuck at the hospital. She was also there when Laura woke from her coma. 

I wipe the tears from her face as Sarah tried to keep her composure.

"You are Laura, I was just upset you wouldn't let me in. I felt hurt that you shut me out after all we've been through."

Laura lifts herself up on the bed taking the phone from my hands. She looked absolutely stunning despite the situation going on.

"I just needed space... I couldn't face anyone, not after.."

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