Sweet Sentiments (Sequel to Detention)

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Stiles watches his friends fondly before a feeling of dread fills him. What if last night was a lie and Derek doesn’t want anything to do with him, Stiles thinks. What if it was some sort of sick joke that the baseball team was doing, and Stiles had to wear the letterman to prove that Derek and Stiles did something, Stiles worries.

“Stiles? You alright? You’re breathing kind of heavy.” Scott says, and Stiles nods while taking off the letterman. Stiles holds it in his hand while turning his attention towards Allison.

“Where’s Isaac Lahey?” Stiles asks her, and Allison wrinkles her forehead in concentration to remember where she had last seen him.

“I last saw him hanging out with Erica and Boyd near her locker. That was when I was looking for Scott, so maybe ten minutes ago.” Allison says, and Stiles smiles at her in thanks before slapping Scott on the shoulder.

“See you guys later.” Stiles says, and he stalks off to find Derek’s best friend.


Stiles spots Isaac standing with Erica Reyes just like Allison told him, and he awkwardly waves at him. Isaac smiles at him, and Erica eyes him up and down. Stiles tries not to let Erica intimate him, but it is hard when the girl has a reputation for her fierce protectiveness over her friends. Stiles had himself once witness her stalk across a baseball field in six inch heels to punch one of the out fielders in the face for throwing a fast ball at Derek, so Stiles feels justified in his fear of her.

“Stiles.” Erica says, and Stiles smiles at her.

“Hi, Erica.” Stiles says, softly. Erica gives a wide smile, and turns her attention towards Isaac. She runs her hand through his curly hair, which seems to be her way of saying goodbye because Isaac waves as she leaves. “Allison said you were looking for me?” Stiles asks, and Isaac gives him an easy grin.

“Just wanted to say hi. Derek is crazy about you, and I wanted to see what all the fuss is about.” Isaac says, and Stiles snorts.

“Well, I am pretty awesome.” Stiles says, and Isaac gives him an easy grin. Stiles is about to open his mouth to say something, but he stops when he feels an arm wrap around his midsection.

“Hey, baby.” Derek whispers in his ear before kissing Stiles’ cheek. Stiles turns to look at him better, and Derek is smiling at him. Stiles feels his stomach flip at how gorgeous Derek looks today, well every day if Stiles is being honest, and Derek curls his arms into Stiles’ side. Stiles sighs happily before leaning some of his weight against Derek, and Derek kisses the side of his head.

“Hale, stop, that is disgusting.” Isaac says, and Derek snorts. Stiles chuckles softly as he tries to ignore everyone staring at him, he thinks that it is only in his mind, but he doubts it. Derek is the jock, and he is the nerd. It’s a cliché story at best, but Stiles isn’t complaining.

“I wouldn’t talk, Lahey. I’ve seen the way you pine after that girl in your English class. What’s her name Tyler?” Derek says.

“Taylor.” Isaac corrects, before glaring at Derek’s triumphant smile. “Whatever, asshole. Stilinski, you can do better. I’m going to class.” Isaac hisses, and Stiles laughs as he leaves. Derek presses him tighter to his side as they walk to class, they have first period together, and Stiles notices his sour expression.

Stiles leans his head on Derek’s shoulder as they walk, and Derek relaxes some before giving Stiles a small smile. “What’s up, Derek?” Stiles asks, and Derek looks forward while they walk passed people staring at them.

Sterek One-Shots Book One (BoyxBoy)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt