The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 94

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle—A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 11 –The Fire Next Time
(Pt. 2...Continued)

"So then, which one of you is making the report?"

This time, Chief Bogo had the sofa while Nick and Judy were standing. It was a little small for a Cape buffalo, but he managed by stretching out his legs. It gave him the appearance of someone just kicking back and taking it easy—which couldn't have been further from the truth.

"Either one of us," Nick Wilde said, although he knew it would be mostly on him. A clever bunny was Judy Hopps, and a close friend to Fru-Fru she might be—but she still didn't know Mr. Big the way he did.

While he hadn't been associated with the Tundratown crime boss for quite some time, Nick actually knew a lot more about him than he'd been willing to let on earlier. Mr. Big had always been an 'old skool' gangster...and that kind of wiseguy tended not to change his habits over time. When Kevin and Raymond had hauled him (and Judy) before the Big Shrew nearly two years ago, it was the first time they'd been face-to-face in more than a decade. And yet, except for those bushy eyebrows and a few extra tufts of gray, almost nothing had changed. The animal facing Nick across that desktop might have stepped straight out of a time-warp. His mannerisms, his way of talking, his paw gestures; all of it had been exactly the same as the red fox remembered.

If none of THOSE things were any different, it was a pretty safe bet that his attitude was still the same old, same old.

"Okay," Nick reminded himself, remembering Judy's advice, "Good news first, and then the bad...good news first and then the bad."

He said, "Before we begin Chief, Officer Hopps and I have a recommendation to make. Remember what I said yesterday about how the Red Pig has the cash to hire some serious outside firepower? Well, if he starts to bring in those guns, THAT'S when you'll know things are about to get real."

"We're already watching the airport and the train stations, Wilde." The Chief informed him, beginning to sound testy. (As if the ZPD would miss such a basic step.)

"Yes sir," the fox responded quickly, "but is anyone watching the Palm Hotel Casino? Out-of-town wiseguys can't resist that place; it's one of the things that used to drive Mr. Big crazy."

"And," Judy spoke up for the first time, "I don't think the Red Pig would have a problem with his new hires going bust before things even start."

"He'd love it," Nick said, raising a thumb, "They'd have to go to him for a bailout, and no wiseguy does that kind of favor without expecting a bigger one in return."

"Hmmm," Bogo nodded, looking if to say, 'this is more like it.' "All right then, duly noted. Anything else?"

"Yes, sir." Nick answered immediately, "as to where Mr. Big is likely to strike back...well, obviously we can eliminate Tundratown, but I believe we can also write off Sahara Square."

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