The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 31

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle—A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 3 – Day of Carrots and Blueberries
(Conclusion...Pt. 23)

Dinner had been a complete success; the family had welcomed Conor and Finnick into the Hopps' warren as if they were a pair of long, lost cousins. Gideon Grey had come as well, bringing with him the dessert, (Blueberry carrot cake) and also Bette Renaard, his fiancée. The presence of so many foxes at the dinner table had prompted Grandpa Pop-Pop to spend most of the meal muttering under his breath. ("This dang-fool place, it's possessed...possessed. Need t'find an exorcist.")

Now the family was gathered around a towering pyramid of scrap-wood and old timber, watching as Junior supervised some of the younger family members through the ritual of the lighting-of-the-bonfire. On his word, each young rabbit would hop forward and toss a firebrand into the mix.

The wood caught almost immediately; the same dry air that had plagued Judy through the Rabbithon had now become an ally; in mere moments the pile of wood was cheerfully ablaze.

It was the perfect night for a bonfire; the sky was clear, the stars were out, and air was just cool enough to make the heat from the fire comforting.

As always, Stu had brought up some jugs of 'family friendly' cider from the cellar, and Bonnie had with her a big bag of marshmallows and a stack of chocolate bars.

Conor Lewis had his twelve-string acoustic with him, and Erin had brought her unplugged six. Together they led the gathering in such campfire classics as Red River Valley, This Land is Your Land, In the Evening By the Moonlight, She Moved Through the Faire and Oo-De-Lolly-Day, plus a few more contemporary numbers, Blackbird by the Beastles, Moonshadow by Cat Stevens, and Bob Dylion's immortal Blowing in the Wind.

In between the songs, everyone kept up a lively round of banter while the younger members of the gathering, (and not a few of the older ones,) toasted marshmallows over the fire to make s'mores. (Gideon Grey had supplied the graham crackers, baked fresh in his own ovens.)

It proved to be a task nearly beyond the capabilities of the young fox Conor Lewis, who not once but twice managed to set fire to the marshmallow he was roasting.

Erin Hopps was not about to let such a juicy opportunity pass without comment.

"That's a marshmallow fox, not a witch." She giggled, pointing.

"Hey, gimme a break, I'm new at this stuff." the young fox growled, affixing a third 'mallow to the end of his toasting stick. "You build a fire like this in Zoo York City and you'll get busted by the arson squad."

Everybody laughed, but Judy Hopps caught the wistful note in the young fox's voice, as if by not learning the proper way to make s'mores, he'd missed out on something important. Erin seemed to sense it too and went quickly over to help him.

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