The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 19

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle—A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 3 – Day of Carrots and Blueberries
(Continued...Pt. 11)

They came in three vehicles. Once again Judy was riding with Nick, sitting up front in the Hopps Family Farm truck. Next in line was a venerable Jeep Furrokee with her mother at the wheel and Erin seated beside her. Bringing up the rear was the standby ride for smaller Hopps outings, a stretched passenger van that had once belonged to the county.

Not everyone in the clan had joined Erin Hopps-talent show caravan. (Good thing; even if they'd snagged every vehicle in the warren, there wouldn't have been space for everyone.) Just the same, when Erin stepped into the spotlight later on this evening, she'd have a decent sized cheering-section in the audience.

Judy turned and glanced through the truck's rear window, hoping to catch a glimpse of the younger bunny. Yep, there was Erin, wearing an expression that would have made stone sphinx proud—frozen and immobile, showing no emotion whatsoever.

She wasn't fooling anyone, especially her older sister. Judy knew from her own experience that Erin's stoic façade was just that-a façade. It was the same look she'd had on HER face while waiting in the foyer of the Zootopia Police Academy, preparing to make the pitch for why she should be the first animal admitted into the ZPD under then-Mayor Lionheart's mammal-inclusion initiative.

To the outside world, Erin Hopps might appear to be all placid and serene, but on the inside—Judy was certain of it—she was pins, needles, and butterflies. It couldn't have been more obvious if someone had spray painted it across the Furrokee's windshield in day-glo orange paint.

"And this is only Carrot Days talent show." Judy reminded herself. "She still has to get through the big one, her ZAPA audition." Hopefully whatever happened here tonight would give her sister a boost for that upcoming endeavor.

At the theater's rear entrance, Erin and her family were forced to separate; the backstage area being strictly reserved for stagehands, security, and performers waiting to go on. (There had been incidents in the past involving anxious parents.)

"Well this is it." Erin offered a wan smile as she hefted her guitar and pedalboard case, too excited and/or terrified to display any attitude now.

It reflected in the ensemble she'd chosen for her performance, a pair of black yoga pants, topped by a pair of torn denim shorts, and a black lace tank top over a wine-red t-shirt. The only item remaining from earlier in the day was the collar she'd been wearing at the train station.

Best of all, as a far as Judy was concerned, Erin had ditched the heavy eye makeup in favor of something a bit more subtle. Now her deep blue eyes were only lined in black and the lids had been left untouched. It gave the younger bunny a sultry air that somehow seemed to fit the occasion perfectly.

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