The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 34

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle—A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 4 – The Wizard of Chaos
(Continued...Pt. 3)

The voice of Gully sounds in Jack La Peigne's earpiece.

"I have him, sir."

That's all the big rabbit needs to hear, he leans forward, moving his right paw discreetly behind his back.

"So now YOU get off MY property!" he sneers, tensing and bracing himself.

Jerry Guilford lets out a howl of rage and lunges at Jack with his teeth bared.

But the big rabbit is too quick for him; he flattens down into a three point pancake-stance, leaving Gully with a clear shot at the coyote.

The wolverine pulls the trigger; the pellet strikes Jerry directly between the collar bones, leaving a blue splatter in its wake; the force of the impact hurls him backwards through the door and into the house again.

Or alternately...the pellet doesn't strike Jerry with quite enough force to propel him through the doorway, in which case Jack hits him with a flying knife-edge kick and sends him home that way. (He can do this without fear of being poisoned himself; unlike the dart-pellets used by Doug, this one dissolved within microseconds of hitting its target.)

Or alternately... perhaps Gully is able to get off a second shot and hit one of Jerry's brothers as well. It's not impossible; they're standing close enough to the front door to make decent targets.

Or... maybe Jack pulls the pistol from behind his back and tags one of the other coyotes himself; maybe both if he gets lucky. Or maybe he hits one and Gully takes down the other with his second shot.

In any case what happens next is, Jack slams the security door and throws the bolt, trapping the coyotes inside the house. Then he just stands there, drinking in the sounds from beyond the doorway like a fine, sweet nectar.

After a few moments of this, Racius appear from around the side of the house. He gives Jack a mask and dons one himself. Then the wolverine pulls the pin on a small, metal canister and tosses it through the bars of the security door; perhaps he pitches in a second grenade, just to make sure. There is no explosion, only a soft hissing noise, and within less than a minute everything on the inside of the house has gone quiet. Jack gives it just a moment longer, and then he unbolts the security door; he and Racius step inside what's left of the living room and search for Jerry Guilford. When they find him, Jack shoots the coyote with another dart-pellet, this one in dark red rather than blue. Meanwhile Racius gives the same treatment to any of the others that were hit in the first salvo. Perhaps Jack gives Jerry a kick in the chops as a going away present; perhaps he doesn't.

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction  -- Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now