The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 45

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle-A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 4 - The Wizard of Chaos

(Continued...Pt. 14)

Conor whimpered and swallowed hard; it felt as if he were trying to force a dried-out tennis ball down his throat.

Then he sighed, feelings his ears wilt; there was no getting out of this, the only thing left for him to do was turn and face the music.

He spun around with his paws raised.

"Erin listen, I can explain..."

"I don't want to hear it!"

If Erin Hopps had looked angry the first time they'd met, now she appeared to be one step away from a conniption; her blue were blazing like welding torches and her voice had turned sharp as a reaper's scythe.

"You no good creep. Where do you think you get off just abandoning me like that? And you lied to me-you liar!"

She had her paws on her hips and one foot cocked, ready to plant it upside his face a second time. In the reflected glare of the stage lights, her amplified shadow appeared to swallow him whole.

"At last she doesn't have her posse with her," the young fox noted, trying to put the best spin on things. And then he answered her question with one of his own. "How the heck did you get back here without a stage-pass?"

The young bunny responded by tossing her head over her shoulder; she said nothing, but now Conor could see that a pair of fresh rabbit-holes had appeared on either side of the fence as if by magic. Ohhh Crike, she really was that mad!

As if to confirm this, Erin began to thump her foot, slowly at first, and then faster and faster; it sounded like the countdown to an explosion, (and it probably was.)

"You have exactly three seconds to explain yourself, Mister!"

Conor racked his brain for something suitable. Finally he just gave up and said the only thing he could think of.

"Help me!"

The white-furred bunny's rage turned into momentary bewilderment.

"What?" she demanded, gaping bewildered with a twitching nose

He held up the bolt cutters and pointed towards the junction box

"Help me, Erin! Those locks are too strong for me to cut all by myself. And a lot of animals are gonna get hurt if we can't shut the power off."

Once again, she stared at him for a minute....


While all this was going on, Judy Hopps had just come up with an idea of her own.

"What if we take down part of the fence to make another exit?" she said, pointing, "say, right there?"

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