The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 42

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle-A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 4 - The Wizard of Chaos
(Continued...Pt. 11)

Conor was sitting at one of the picnic tables, slurping the remnants of his pop, and wondering what the heck he was going to do next. The grilled 'crawlers had been good, not the best he'd ever had but decent. (The slice of Gideon Grey's blackberry pie that followed had more than compensated; it hadn't just been just the bomb, try a freaking nuke.)

"But whither now, young Master Lewis?" he asked himself rhetorically. Should he just sit here and enjoy the music? While they had a pretty decent band playing tonight, it had never been his style to play the wallflower. Hmmm, head back to the van and get online maybe? There was surprisingly good Wi-Fi reception back at the campground, and he hadn't talked to...

He became aware of a presence behind him; a split second later his nose put a name to the visitor.

"Hi DF," he said, turning around to see Finnick standing there.

"Hey kid," the desert fox answered, offering a small salute with the skewer of grilled scorpions he'd been munching.

"Good thing Snowdrop isn't here to see this," Conor mused ...or maybe it wasn't so good. Her reaction would be worth a Ewe-Tube vid at least.

"I didn't know they had those here," he said, pointing to the kebab in the fennec-fox's paws. (Scorpions are largely desert dwellers, not common in a place like the Burrow.)

Finnick's face took on an expression of mild distaste.

"Yeah, but they ain't near as good as the ones you get at the Meerkat Market. Idiots here take the stingers off before they cook 'em."

As if to drive home the point, he dropped the skewer into a nearby trash bin, slapping his paws together in a 'that's that' gesture.

Then, to the younger fox's momentary surprise, he pulled himself up onto the bench across the table and leaned in close, beckoning him with a crooked finger and narrowed eyes.

Conor blinked, and then pulled himself halfway across the tabletop as well. This was what Finnick did whenever he had a scheme up his sleeve.

"What up?" he asked his partner softly.

The desert fox lowered his voice to a rumbling whisper.

"I gotta little hustle going, kid." He said, "Nothin' big, just penny ante really, but you can help a buddy out, right?"

Conor didn't even hesitate.

"You got it DF, what's the gag?"

Finnick looked around for a second and then dropped his voice by another half decibel.

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction  -- Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now