The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction -- Part One: Fuel - 25

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Disclaimer: Zootopia stories, characters, settings, and properties belong to the Walt Disney Co. This story is written under Fair Use Copyright laws.


The Fire Triangle-A Zootopia Fanfiction


Part One:



Chapter 3 - Day of Carrots and Blueberries
(Continued...Pt. 17)

"Stop thief!"

Nick and the kids were at a face painting booth, watching Cotton getting her cheeks daubed with flowers and a sunburst when he heard the anguished cry.

He wheeled instantly in the direction of the sound, tense and ready for action. You could take the fox off of his police beat, but...

It would have greatly relieved Judy to see how quickly he'd gotten a grip on things. After only one or two more outbursts, the Hopps children had settled down quickly to enjoy their day at the Festival. (They'd initially been testing him; the red fox was certain of it.)

Now he saw a figure dashing flat out down the concourse in their direction. At first Nick thought it was a weasel, but the animal coming his way wasn't slender enough and his legs were much too long.

Then his nose caught the interloper's scent.

"A mongoose," he realized, and now he saw the purse clasped in the animal's fingers...and since he was obviously a male, it was pretty safe bet that it didn't belong to him.

"Everybody, get behind me," Nick ordered, waving the children back. A mongoose and a red fox were about an even match, but this one was bigger than most, (and also bigger than Nick.)

He ducked partway into the booth and sat down on his haunches.

"Huh? What the heck are you doing, fox?" Erin demanded, staring in confusion.

"I said get behind me." He told her again, this time in a no-nonsense voice. What he was doing was getting ready to pounce, but he didn't have time to explain that to her because here was the purse snatcher, running at full tilt. All right....3...2...1...GO!

Nick launched himself upwards into a jackknife, aiming with an open paw for the mongoose's weak spot, the back of his neck.

He never made contact, because at that second, something big, black, and bulky crashed headlong into the purse snatcher, bowling him backwards a good fifteen feet and leaving him in a confused sprawl. The suddenness of the attack caught Nick Wilde completely off-guard and he nearly came down on his chin, avoiding that epic fail only at the last second by tucking himself into a liquid roll, and tumbling over onto his feet.

When he got up again, Nick was able to get a closer look that the animal who'd knocked the mongoose into the middle of next Tuesday; the first thing he noticed was that the crime-buster wasn't actually black in color; he was dressed in black, the same black paramilitary fatigues the bighorn sheep minding the stage entrance had worn...and with the same three letters on the back, ASM.

The Fire Triangle, A Zootopia Fanfiction  -- Part OneWhere stories live. Discover now